Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Healthcare Platform


Our proprietary platform for the digitization and integration of clinical and administrative health processes.

AREAS® platform has been developed by Engineering for the specific needs of healthcare organizations, bringing together our 25+ years experience in the sector.

Over the years, AREAS® has become a reference point in the sector: it is chosen by over 160 health facilities and used every day by over 100,000 health professionals.

Thanks to AREAS®, hospitals, healthcare organizations and entire geographical regions have digitized and integrated their clinical, administrative and governance processes, optimizing available resources and improving care processes, all for the benefit of citizen-patients


AREAS® is composed by independent systems, arranged in seven natively integrated application areas:
  • Government;
  • Accesses;
  • Hospital;
  • Territory;
  • Diagnostics;
  • Administration and Control;
  • Human resources.

Thanks to the features offered by these highly specialized systems, every healthcare organization can build and evolve "its own" information system, be it departmental or enterprise level (Hospital Information System).

We know very well that each organization is different in the healthcare sector, even if it can share have similar purposes. Hence, every AREAS® system can be configured and programmed taking into account the smallest detail, related to user interface or operating logic.

Moreover, thanks to the international certifications and codings adopted, AREAS® adheres to industry standards, allowing communication also with third-party systems, regional or national projects, medical devices and laboratory instruments with great efficiency and security. Such technological compliance, together with the continuous alignment with civil, tax and labor regulations, electronic signature, GDPR, substitutive conservation, etc., allows our customers to quickly adapt to the continuous evolution of the sector.

Case Study

A hi-tech emergency room for the Emilia-Romagna Region

With our experience in digital transformation, more than 500,000 emergency calls per year can be managed in an innovative, rapid and coordinated way.

Case Study

In Sardinia, medical examinations are just a click away

Managing over 5 million bookings across 150 healthcare facilities: now is possible thanks to our innovative centralised solution.

Case Study

In Sardinia healthcare is more and more human-centric

With us, the Sardinia Region puts more than 1 million and a half citizens at the centre of an ecosystem that allows to rule all the healthcare processes, improving care and assistance services.

Case Study

A state-of-the-art laboratory

With our digital healthcare tools we automate, integrate and monitor one of Europe's leading analysis laboratories.

Our Customers

Azienda Ospedaliera Giovanni Addolorata
Azienda Ospedaliera Universita di Napoli
Azienda Ospedaliera Universita di Roma
Ausl Bologna
Ausl Modena
Asl Roma a
Regione Campania
Regione Emilia Romagna
Regione Marche
Regione Sardegna