Augmented City

We augment the way our cities and citizens use time and space, improving the overall quality of life for all city actors by delivering sustainable economic and financial project & service patterns.

Engineering for  "Augmented City" aims to increase the use of time and space of a city and its citizens, through the use of technology aimed at improving the quality of life and work of all the actors in the city. To this end, Engineering operates in the urban area on the various sectors involved in the digital transformation of a city, from energy to transport, from security to governance (e.g. knowledge system, digitalization of municipal processes, etc.).

In our Portfolio Map, we have collected our competences in 5 areas that can improve our cities and the quality of life of their citizens.

Portfolio Map

Augmented City

Optimize tax and revenue management through reporting tools, dashboards, predictive models, providing real-time information and self service functions to tax payers. Optimize collection, transport, processing or disposal of waste materials and processes related to payments activities. Manage energy use (e.g. consumption monitoring, planning,) and water resources. Improve environmental safeguard, risk prevention and management, and the sustainable exploitation of the territory. Assess and monitor threats to urban security, manage law enforcement, and protect buildings, infrastructures and citizens. Collect, analyse and elaborate data and information to detect potential cyber and physical attacks, using predictive models and machine learning. Platforms enabling data access, threat detection, access monitoring through a single management interface for the orchestration of security controls. Managing vehicles and people access to restricted areas, also through video analytics and license plate recognition. Improve parking systems through innovative payment applications, parking location identification, fine management and project finance. Enable the simplification and maximum effectiveness-efficiency of operational processes, dynamic and data-driven transport services (DRT), interconnection with the digital ecosystems of cities. Manage breaches of traffic laws, including fines, road accidents, and road signs. Solutions that optimize the governance and implementation of access, transit and parking rules in urban centers, the management and accessibility of public transport and urban logistics, applying predictive, dynamic and proactive models. Promote the development of tourism and cultural strategies and enhance tourist experiences in urban context. Improve online services by extracting value from public data, also through dedicated platforms Collect and manage administrative data to manage real-time core PA processes, ensuring safe document digitalisation and storage. Manage civil registry documents, through digitalisation and safe storage. Enhance economic and social activities of territories, according to available resources. Increase the quality of home and social services for the citizen, optimizing their relationship with social assistance and related costs. Increase the quality of health services for the citizen, optimizing their relationship with healthcare organizations and related costs. Services aimed to design, implement, transform, optimize and operate technology and cloud solutions. Services aimed to enhance, evolve and support end users in the adoption and use of business and technology solutions in the modern workplace. Services aimed to ensure the optimal coverage of Clients' business needs through technology. Services aimed to design, develop, implement and maintain omnichannel (including mobile) applications for connected devices. Services aimed to design software applications and services focusing on the quality of user experience and interfaces. Services aimed to design and implement Clients' strategies related to brand, online positioning and multimedia.
From Smart City to Augmented City: synergy between Public and Private sectors for citizen-centric services

The way we use time and space, the environment, and resources within cities determines our quality of life and forms the basis for the sustainability of our existence in the medium and long term. Therefore, we need to design public services that are tailored to the city and its citizens, services that do not deplete resources but instead are fueled by their continuous regeneration and optimization, with interventions that are economically and financially self-sustaining.

As change accelerators, we transform individual initiatives into opportunities to improve the quality of life in urban centers, enable savings for the government, and simplify the relationship between public administration and citizens by focusing on five fundamental pillars of a single technological ecosystem: Sustainability, Security, Mobility, Interactivity, and Welfare.

To learn more, read our White Paper.

Evolve your city

Increase the ability to serve citizens, respect the environment, and revitalize the local economy. Putting people at the center.

04 - 05 December 2024 • Bergamo

Local Police Forum

Municipia, Engineering Group, to the 2024 edition.

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20 - 22 November 2024 • Turin

41st Anci National Assembly

Engineering is Main Partner.

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06 February 2025 • Rome

TTS Italy National Meeting

Municipia, Engineering Group, at the national event in Rome.

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Press Release

Nexus2030: research project on Digital Twin technology successfully completed under Engineering's leadership

A step forward toward more targeted and efficient public policies through data-driven approaches

Press Release

Stefano De Capitani at ANCI: “Constructive partnership between PA and companies for a more citizen-focused governance ”

During his speech at the Assembly, the Vice President of Engineering and CEO of Municipia reaffirmed the centrality of cutting-edge technologies in bringing local authorities to a new level of efficiency.

18.10.2024  •  Augmented City

5 questions to... Stefano De Capitani

Interview with the Vice President of Engineering and CEO of Municipia.