Use Case

Customer Success Management: integrazione MDM Neta Open Suite e Salesforce CRM

The integration between Neta's Meter Data Management (MDM) and Salesforce CRM optimizes the relationship with customers, providing energy consumption data to support targeted sales and personalized service..

Where: Italy
Facilitate the typical activities of managing complaints from a CRM solution, with requests for information and to direct new commercial proposals more in line with customers' consumption habits.
The data collected by the MDM Neta module is sent to Salesforce through a standard connector and the use of the architectural layers of Neta API Manager and Data Lakehouse allows Utility Companies to configure dashboard features useful for monitoring the consumption trend of each end customer.
I dati raccolti dall'MDM vengono inviati a Salesforce tramite un connettore standard e l’utilizzo dei layer architetturali di Neta API Manager e Data Lakehouse, permettendo di configurare funzionalità di dashboard utili al monitoraggio dell'andamento dei consumi di ciascun cliente finale.
Expected results





Reduction of operating costs



Optimization of assistance service and sales processes



Prevention and preventive resolution of problem



Preventive management of contact on consumption issues and improvement of loyalty


To know more

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