Research Project

ToNite - Social and digital innovation for urban regeneration

An innovative platform to improve safety during night-time in the Dora river Area.

Where: international
Making urban spaces more liveable and safer during the night is a major issue for cities and residents. During the day, services and economic activities provide the citizen with a feeling of security. During the night these activities are considerably reduced, so the task of protecting the public falls heavily on the local authorities.
Support the city in facing the challenge of change by delivering community-based urban security through community activation, empowerment and technology-based social sensing.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
ToNite develops multidisciplinary and co-designed solutions and actions to better understand urban social phenomena and tackle problems deriving from a perception of insecurity that tends to generate social intolerance and under-use or no-use of public spaces. Therefore, it is crucial to understand citizens’perception of security regarding their experiences in living and accessing target neighborhoods and public spaces. Engineering leads the development of the Urban Data Platform dedicated to understanding urban insecurity phenomena, analysing its improving decision maker’s capabilities to monitor the current situation, detecting the rise of new phenomena and understanding communities needs.





Better preparedness to urban security management



Improving prevention processes of urban blight



Development of “security by design” concepts


To know more

ARIEN: an AI platform to combat illegal drug trafficking

A multidisciplinary platform that generates strategic recommendations to shape an agenda dedicated to developing AI solutions, ensuring full legal and ethical compliance.

STARLIGHT: Artificial Intelligence to fight against high priority threats

Better data analysis and management: a project to equip law enforcement agencies with secure and resilient AI technologies and tools.

Use Case

Enable Traceability for AgriFood

How to use digital technologies to improve food chain traceability