Case Study

Towards a B2C model: a "fully digital" platform for managed savings

The solution to enable a new, totally digital direct offer channel, accessible at any time.

Where: italy
Through our various capabilities, we have led an Italian leader in the asset management sector along a Digital Transformation program, based on the creation of a digital platform for placement of company's funds. The solution was conceived as an enabler of a new B2C offer model that would allow the end customer to operate directly on the company's products in "fully digital" mode.
We followed the principles of User Centered Design in order to ensure maximum adherence to the customer's expectations and the best usability. Checkpoints to share information and demo sessions were also planned during the development phase to ensure maximum transparency.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem

Thanks to an end-to-end 100% paperless process and an intuitive UX, the customer can go from on-boarding to order execution in just a few clicks, and monitor the progress of their portfolio, quickly and easily. The four different digital on-boarding modes (SPID, video interview, self-video and bank transfer), and the subscription process in Advanced Electronic Signature, guarantee a completely digital user experience in all the different phases of the customer journey. Combining our different know-how of the Group, we have been involved in the following activities:

  • overall coordination of the project
  • design and implementation of the new portal, including a review of the impacted processes
  • analysis and implementation of the solution





Expansion of the customer base and strengthening of the relationship with existing customers



Redefinition of the offering model towards B2C model



Increased revenues



Maximized profitability of managed assets


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