Case Study
ICCREA brings Regulatory Reporting to the Cloud
Simplification of reconciliations and accounting balancing
Increased frequency and historical depth
Adaptability of phases to the banking process
Fast closing
Intelligent Ecosystems for a Cloud Strategy.
Introduction and Implementation of the GOL Program
Introduction of the Workers Employability Guarantee Program (GOL) in Information Systems for Employment and Vocational Training.
The Meter-to-Cash of Gelsia evolves with the Cloud
We realized a new Meter-to-Cash system that enables the rapid adaptation of electricity and gas sales services to business needs by extending Neta platform on Cloud Oracle.
Padovanet - New Institutional Portal of the Municipality of Padova
New institutional website of the Municipality of Padova, developed according to AgID's “Municipal Website Model.”
Introduction and Implementation of the GOL Program
Introduction of the Workers Employability Guarantee Program (GOL) in Information Systems for Employment and Vocational Training.
The Meter-to-Cash of Gelsia evolves with the Cloud
We realized a new Meter-to-Cash system that enables the rapid adaptation of electricity and gas sales services to business needs by extending Neta platform on Cloud Oracle.
Padovanet - New Institutional Portal of the Municipality of Padova
New institutional website of the Municipality of Padova, developed according to AgID's “Municipal Website Model.”
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