Case Study

Regional single CUP for Regione Molise

ASREM has initiated the innovation process of the CUP, increasingly focusing on the needs of health authorities, citizen services, and reducing waiting lists.

Where: italy
ASREM operates in a context characterized by a strong acceleration in the integration between systems and service-oriented architectures. The updating of methodologies and processes ensures high standards of service and product quality to meet the needs of citizens, as well as e-Health. The goal is to allow users to access services without leaving their homes and without time constraints.
The development of web applications to deliver highly automated services represents an innovative model available to citizens, aiming to ensure increasingly accessible and inclusive services, thus placing the individual at the center of healthcare systems. A more technological and digital sector can indeed improve the process of patient care and assistance, reducing long waits, hospitalizations, and optimizing overall costs.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
ASREM aims to strengthen the path towards digital transformation through commitment to digital innovation, evolving technological capabilities and assets to support citizens, ensuring standards of security in the handling of citizens' data. The Molise Salute app is one of the tools that ASREM has deployed to make access to and provision of outpatient specialist services more effective and streamline communication between healthcare facilities and citizens.





Modernization of technological aspects, including security



Management of waiting lists




To know more
Use Case

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