Quality as a shared and certified culture

A key for excellence, project success and skill growth.


Quality Management System

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
RINA - Italia

  • Analysis, Design, Development of applications based on system integration and design, development and marketing of software products; 
  • Design and provision of full outsourcing services (application, facility, network management, customer support). 
  • Provision of installation, operation, start-up, assistance, maintenance and training services for information systems. 
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organizational consultancy.
  • Design, Organization, support, start-up and provision of professional training courses, also in
  • e-learning mode. 
  • Design and delivery of strategic, organizational, methodological, ICT infrastructure consulting services and process reengineering. 
  • Design, creation and management of multi-channel and multi-platform content services; production of multimedia content. 
  • Delivery of call center/ contact center/ CRM services.

Sectors: IAF 28, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39

Evaluated according to the requirements of Technical Regulations RT-05, This certificate is meant to refer to the general management aspects of the organization as a whole and may be used by construction companies for qualification purposes according to Art. 84 of the Legisaltive Decree n. 50/2016 and s.c.i. and ANAC's applicable Guidelines.

In addition for Naples site:

  • Design, development, integration, customization, installation and maintenance of software systems, products and solutions.
  • Design, installation and maintenance of Automation & Control systems and equipments.

Sectors: IAF 28, 33

Evaluated according to the requirements of Technical Regulations RT-05, This certificate is meant to refer to the general management aspects of the organization as a whole and may be used by construction companies for qualification purposes according to Art. 84 of the Legisaltive Decree n. 50/2016 and s.c.i. and ANAC's applicable Guidelines.

IT Service Management
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018

RINA - Italia

  • The it service management system to support the delivery of data center services (Application Management, Facility Management) delivered through data centers.

    Sectors: IAF 33

Information Security Management System (ISMS)
ISO/IEC 27001:2022

Controls for Information Security in Cloud Services
ISO/IEC 27017:2015

Protection of Personal Data in Public Cloud Services
ISO/IEC 27018:2019

RINA - Italia

  • Design and Delivery of Digital preservation services.
  • Design, Development and Maintenance of software solutions and delivery of services including computerized management and administration of personnel.
  • Delivery of Infrastructure management services for ICT environments and systems.
  • The services mentioned are also delivered through cloud platforms in SAAS (software as a service), IAAS (infrastructure as a service) and PAAS (platform as a service) mode with the use of the ISO/IEC 27017:2015 and ISO/IEC 27018:2019 guidelines.

    Sectors: IAF 33

Occupational health and safety management systems
ISO 45001:2018
DNV - Italia

  • Data center service, Hosting, Housing, Managed Services, Server Farm, Storage, Backup and cloud services.
  • Analysis, design, development, integration of information systems; design and provision of application outsourcing services.
  • Provision of services (related to the previous ones) of installation, training, start-up and assistance.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organizational consultancy.
  • Marketing of hardware and software systems.
  • Provision of support services for tax evasion research for Local Public Administration. Provision of services for the settlement, assessment and collection of taxes, including the collection of tax and extra-tax revenues and assets.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35, 37

Environmental management system
ISO 14001:2015 
DNV - Italia

  • Analysis, design, development and integration of information systems; design and provision of IT outsourcing services.
  • Provision of related installation, training, operation, start-up and support.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organization consulting.
  • Trade of software and hardware systems.
  • Provision of support services for the search of tax evasion for the Local Public Administration.
  • Provision of services for liquidation, assessment and collection of taxes, including the collection of tax revenues and extra tax and property.
  • Data center service, Hosting, Housing, Managed Services, Server Farm, Storage, Backup e cloud services.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35

Nato AQAP 2110 Ed. D Ver1 and AQAP 2210 Ed. A Ver2
Ministry of Defense - TELEDIFE

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica's Quality Management System has been declared compliant with AQAP 2110 Ed. D Ver1 and AQAP 2210 Ed. A Ver2 for the activities of "Design, development and maintenance of application software for management information systems for military use" by Teledife, the Telematics and Advanced Technologies Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. Certificate of Recognition No. 0011 was issued on 12/22/2022.

Anti-bribery management systems
ISO 37001:2016 
RINA - Italia

  • Provision of complete IT solutions: analysis, design, application development and design, development and marketing of software products and integrated IT systems for Utilities, Public Administration and Health, Industry, TLC, Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions.
  • Implementation of IT solutions based on System Integration.
  • Design and provision of Full Outsourcing Services (Application, Facility, Network Management, Customer Support).
  • Provision of IT systems installation services, training, management, start-up and assistance.
  • Provision of technical, application and organizational T & M services.
  • Design, organization, support, start-up and provision of professional training courses, also in e-learning mode.
  • Design and provision of strategic, organizational, methodological, ICT infrastructure and process re-engineering services.
  • Design, implementation and management of multichannel and multi-platform content services; production of multimedia content.
  • Provision of Call Center / Contact Center / CRM services

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35, 37, 39

Specifications and guidance, at the organization level, for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and their removal
ISO 14064-1:2018
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA

The Engineering Group has adopted a technological approach to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve the efficiency of business simultaneously.

The company’s answer to different needs for declaration and verification of greenhouse gas emissions is the implementation of an organization compliant with UNI ISO 14064-1: 2018 "Greenhouse gas". The organizational approach is based on quantifications and reports of GHG (Greenhouse gases) emissions and their removal.

The will to certify this commitment has significant benefits:

  • promotes consistency, transparency and credibility in counting emissions;
  • allows identification and management of the risks and responsibilities associated with harmful emissions of greenhouse gases;
  • improves projects and initiatives aimed at reducing pollutants.

Social Responsibility Management System
SA 8000:2014

  • Provision of complete IT Solutions: analysis, design, development of applications.
  • Design, development and trade of software products and data-processing integrated Systems for Utilities, Government and Health, Banks, Insurances and Financial Institutes.
  • Realization of System Integration solutions. Design and supply of Full Outsourcing Services (Application, Facility, Network Management, Customer Support).
  • Provision of Computer Systems installation, training, management, start-up and support services.
  • Supply of T&M technical, application, organizational consultancy.
  • Design, organization, support, start-up and provision of professional training courses, also in e-learning mode.
  • Design and provision of strategic, organizational, methodological, ICT infrastructure and process re-engineering consultancy.
  • Design, realization and management of services with multichannel and multiplatform content.
  • Production of multimedia contents.
  • Services for Call Center/Contact Center/CRM.

Gender Equality Management System
Gender Equality Certification UNI/PdR 125:2022
RINA – Italy

This Certification attests the Company's commitment to promoting gender equality through a structured management system. Evaluated on six key areas - Culture and Strategy, Governance, HR Processes, Growth Opportunities and Inclusion, Pay Equity and Work-life balance - the Certification represents a concrete step towards an increasingly fair and inclusive working environment. The adoption of corporate practices and policies promotes diversity and ensures equal opportunities and accessible career development for all employees, while strengthening the Company's credibility in the marketplace and with stakeholders.


Quality Management System & Information Security Management System (ISMS)
ISO 9001:2015 & UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001:2024

Services design and provision for

  • IT consultancy services relating to software integrations for information systems as well as for security;
  • Development, management and maintenance of technological infrastructures;
  • MSS (managed security services): Identity Access Governance and Management, Network Security, Security Systems Monitoring, Vulnerability Assessment e Penetration Test, Ethical Hacking, SOC Management, Incident Management;
  • Security advisory;
  • Support for digital forensic activities.

Design, production, installation and maintenance of software products.
Sectors: IAF 33, 34, 35

Accreditation Testing Laboratory for Information Security Evaluation
ISO/IEC 17025:2018

The accreditation attests technical competence, impartiality and confidentiality of the Testing Laboratory which offers its Vulnerability Assessment service to operators belonging to the following areas:

  • eIDAS - Systems, fixed and with wired network connections, for the performance of national trust services relating to Reg. UE 910/2014, compliant to the requirements ETSI EN 319 401, ETSI EN 319 411-1, ETSI EN 319 411-2, ETSI EN 319 412.
  • SPID - National trust services relating to the law on SPID in accordance with DPCM 24/10/2014.

IT Service Management
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018

Design and Provision of Security Services for:

  • Assess & Manage Risk and Prove compliance
  • Govern Digital Entities
  • Block Cyber Attacks
  • Safeguard Data
  • Protection Critical Infrastructure.

Sectors: IAF 33

Social Responsibility Management System
SA 8000:2014

Services design and provision for

  • IT consultancy services relating to software integrations for information systems as well as for security;
  • Development, management and maintenance of technological infrastructures;
  • MSS (managed security services): Identity Access Governance and Management, Network Security, Security Systems Monitoring, Vulnerability Assessment e Penetration Test, Ethical Hacking, SOC Management, Incident Management;
  • Security advisory;
  • Support for digital forensic activities.

Design, production, installation and maintenance of software products.

Gender Equality Management System
Gender Equality Certification UNI/PdR 125:2022
RINA – Italy

This Certification attests the Company's commitment to promoting gender equality through a structured management system. Evaluated on six key areas - Culture and Strategy, Governance, HR Processes, Growth Opportunities and Inclusion, Pay Equity and Work-life balance - the Certification represents a concrete step towards an increasingly fair and inclusive working environment. The adoption of corporate practices and policies promotes diversity and ensures equal opportunities and accessible career development for all employees, while strengthening the Company's credibility in the marketplace and with stakeholders.


Quality Management System
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
RINA - Italia

  • Design an provisioning of system and infrastructural services for ICT environments and systems; housing, hosting, networking and continual support services.
  • Services for Call Center/Contact Center/CRM.

Sectors: IAF 33, 35

Business continuity management systems
ISO 22301:2019 
RINA - Italia

  • The BCMS supporting ICT environments and systems; housing, hosting, networking, infrastructure cloud and IaaS-PaaS services, service desk and continual support services.

Sectors: IAF 33

Information Security Management System (ISMS)
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 

Controls for Information Security in Cloud Services
ISO/IEC 27017:2015

Protection of Personal Data in Public Cloud Services
ISO/IEC 27018:2019

Information Security Incident Management
ISO/IEC 27035:2023

RINA - Italia

  • Design and provisioning of system and infrastructural services for ICT environments and systems; housing, hosting, networking and continual support services, also on Cloud platforms in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) using the ISO/IEC 27018:2019 and ISO/IEC 27017:2015 guide. 
  • Management of information security incidents using the ISO/IEC 27035-1:202023, ISO/IEC 27035-2:2023 and  ISO/IEC 27035-3:2023 guides.
  • Software design, development, maintenance and application services.

Sectors: IAF 33

IT Service Management
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
RINA - Italia

  • The IT service management system supporting the provision of Housing, Hosting, data network management, digital document storage and ICT infrastructure support services.

Sectors: IAF 33

Occupational health and safety management systems
ISO 45001:2018
DNV - Italia

  • Analysis, design, development, integration of information systems; design and provision of application outsourcing services.
  • Provision of services (related to the previous ones) of installation, training, start-up and assistance.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organizational consultancy.
  • Marketing of hardware and software systems.
  • Data center service, Hosting, Housing, Managed Services, Server Farm, Storage, Backup and cloud services.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35, 37

Environmental management system
ISO 14001:2015  
DNV - Italia

  • Analysis, design, development and integration of information systems; design and provision of IT outsourcing services.
  • Provision of related installation, training, operation, start-up and support.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organization consulting.
  • Trade of software and hardware systems.
  • Data center service, Hosting, Housing, Managed Services, Server Farm, Storage, Backup e cloud services.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35

Specifications and guidance, at the organization level, for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and their removal
ISO 14064-1:2018
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA

The Engineering Group has adopted a technological approach to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve the efficiency of business simultaneously.

The company’s answer to different needs for declaration and verification of greenhouse gas emissions is the implementation of an organization compliant with UNI ISO 14064-1: 2018 "Greenhouse gas". The organizational approach is based on quantifications and reports of GHG (Greenhouse gases) emissions and their removal.

The will to certify this commitment has significant benefits:

  • promotes consistency, transparency and credibility in counting emissions;
  • allows identification and management of the risks and responsibilities associated with harmful emissions of greenhouse gases;
  • improves projects and initiatives aimed at reducing pollutants.

Social Responsibility Management System
SA 8000:2014

  • Supply of complete IT solutions: analysis, design, application development and design, development and marketing of software products and integrated IT systems for utilities, public administration and healthcare, banks, insurance and financial institutions.
  • Implementation of IT solutions based on system integration.
  • Design and provision of full outsourcing services (application, facility, network management, customer support).
  • Provision of IT systems installation, training, management, start-up and assistance services.
  • Provision of T&M technical, application and organizational consultancy services. Design, Organization, support, start-up and provision of strategic, organizational, methodological consulting services, ICT infrastructure and process reengineering.
  • Design, implementation and management of multi-channel and multi-platform content services; multimedia content production.
  • Provision of Call Center / Contact Center / CRM services

Anti-bribery management systems
ISO 37001:2016
RINA - Italia

  • Design and provision of systems and infrastructure services for ICT environments and systems; housing, hosting, networking, continuous support services.
  • Provision of Call Center / Contact Center services.

Sectors: IAF 33, 35

Gender Equality Management System
Gender Equality Certification UNI/PdR 125:2022
RINA – Italy

This Certification attests the Company's commitment to promoting gender equality through a structured management system. Evaluated on six key areas - Culture and Strategy, Governance, HR Processes, Growth Opportunities and Inclusion, Pay Equity and Work-life balance - the Certification represents a concrete step towards an increasingly fair and inclusive working environment. The adoption of corporate practices and policies promotes diversity and ensures equal opportunities and accessible career development for all employees, while strengthening the Company's credibility in the marketplace and with stakeholders.



Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMi-DEV vers. 1.3 - liv.3) 
ProMove Business Innovation - Rio de Janeiro

  • Assessment conducted using the SCAMPI Staged method. It concerned the ERP area of SAP projects and Development Center of the Industry and Public Administration Department.


Environmental management system
ISO 14001:2015 
DNV - Italia

  • Design, construction and periodic maintenance of software application.

Sectors: IAF 33

Quality Management System
IT Service Management
Information Security Management Systems (SGSI)
ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 e EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017
AUDISO Certification

  • Design and development of software products and IT systems
  • Specialist consultancy in the ICT field
  • Management and maintenance of technological infrastructures
  • Server farm management services
  • Provision of IT and telecommunications infrastructure
  • Provision of technical and IT assistance and support services.

Sectors: EA 29, 33, 35


Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA - Italia

  • Provision, of Information Technology services and software solutions implementation: analysis, design, development, installation and software start-up, training, support, system integration.
  • Software Design, development, maintenance and provision of services related to accounting and operations for local administrations and subsidiary companies.
  • Provision of settlement, assessment and collection services including the collection of fiscal and not fiscal/patrimonial revenue.
  • Supplying the services of integrated management of the administrative procedures ragarding the payment of penalties (data entry, printing of the minutes, posting, electronic storage and confirmations of receipt of reporting) for the Local Police force and Public Administration, including the handling of sanctions imposed to vehicles.
  • Provision of mobility and general citizen services.

Sectors: IAF 33, 35

Information Security Management System (ISMS)
ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA - Italia

  • Software Design, development, maintenance and provision of services related to accounting and operations for local administrations and subsidiary companies.
  • Provision of settlement, assessment and collection services including the collection of fiscal and not fiscal/patrimonial revenue.
  • Supplying the services of integrated management of the administrative procedures ragarding the payment of penalties (data entry, printing of the minutes, posting, electronic storage and confirmations of receipt of reporting) for the Local Police force and Public administration, including the handling of sanctions imposed to vehicles.
  • Provision of mobility and general citizen services.

Controls for Information Security in Cloud Services
ISO/IEC 27017:2015
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA - Italia

  • Statement that the Certificate ISO/IEC 27001:2013 follow the guidelines ISO/IEC 27017:2015 Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services.
  • Software Design, development, maintenance and provision of services related to accounting and operations for local administrations and subsidiary companies.
  • Provision of settlement, assessment and collection services including the collection of fiscal and not fiscal/patrimonial revenue.
  • Supplying the services of integrated management of the administrative procedures ragarding the payment of penalties (data entry, printing of the minutes, posting, electronic storage and confirmations of receipt of reporting) for the Local Police force and Public Administration, including the handling of sanctions imposed to vehicles.
  • Provision of mobility and general citizen services.

    The services are also provided on cloud platforms in SaaS mode (Software as a Service) using the code of practice ISO/IEC 27017:2015 and ISO/IEC 27018:2019.

Protection of Personal Data in Public Cloud Services
ISO/IEC 27018:2019
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA - Italia

  • Statement that the Certificate ISO/IEC 27001:2013 follow the guidelines ISO/IEC 27018:2019 Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors.
  • Software Design, development, maintenance and provision of services related to accounting and operations for local administrations and subsidiary companies.
  • Provision of settlement, assessment and collection services including the collection of fiscal and not fiscal/patrimonial revenue.
  • Supplying the services of integrated management of the administrative procedures ragarding the payment of penalties (data entry, printing of the minutes, posting, electronic storage and confirmations of receipt of reporting) for the Local Police force and Public administration, including the handling of sanctions imposed to vehicles.
  • Provision of mobility and general citizen services.

    The services are also provided on cloud platforms in SaaS mode (Software as a Service) using the code of practice ISO/IEC 27017:2015 and ISO/IEC 27018:2019.

Occupational health and safety management systems
ISO 45001:2018
DNV - Italia 

  • Analysis, design, development, integration of information systems; design and provision of application outsourcing services.
  • Provision of services (related to the previous ones) of installation, training, start-up and assistance.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organizational consultancy.
  • Provision of support services for tax evasion research for Local Public Administration.
  • Provision of services for the settlement, assessment and collection of taxes, including the collection of tax and extra-tax revenues and assets.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35, 37

Environmental management system
ISO 14001:2015
DNV - Italia

  • Analysis, design, development and integration of information systems; design and provision of IT outsourcing services.
  • Provision of related installation, training, operation, start-up and support.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organization consulting.
  • Trade of software and hardware systems.
  • Provision of support services for the search of tax evasion for the Local Public Administration.
  • Provision of services for liquidation, assessment and collection of taxes, including the collection of tax revenues and extra tax and property.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35

Anti-bribery management systems
ISO 37001:2016
RINA - Italia

  • Provision of Information Technology services and software solutions implementation: analysis, design, development, installation and software start-up, training, support, system integration.
  • Software Design, development, maintenance and provision of services related to accounting and operations for local administrations and subsidiary companies.
  • Provision of settlement, assessment and collection services including the collection of fiscal and not fiscal/patrimonial revenue.
  • Supplying the services of integrated management of the administrative procedures ragarding the payment of penalties (data entry, printing of the minutes, posting, electronic storage and confirmations of receipt of reporting) for the Local Police force and Public administration, including the handling of sanctions imposed to vehicles.
  • Provision of mobility and general citizen services.

Sectors: IAF 33, 35

Social Responsibility Management System
SA 8000:2014

  • Provision, of Information Technology services and software solutions implementation: analysis, design, development, installation and software start-up, training, support, system integration.
  • Software Design, development, maintenance and provision of services related to accounting and operations for local administrations and subsidiary companies.
  • Provision of settlement, assessment and collection services including the collection of fiscal and not fiscal/patrimonial revenue.
  • Supplying the services of integrated management of the administrative procedures ragarding the payment of penalties (data entry, printing of the minutes, posting, electronic storage and confirmations of receipt of reporting) for the Local Police force and Public Administration, including the handling of sanctions imposed to vehicles.
  • Provision of mobility and general citizen services.

IT Service Management
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
DNV - Italia

  • The IT Service Management System of Municipia S.p.A. that supports the provision of implementation, customer support, professional services, maintenance and management of IT solutions, for the integrated management of procedures and services of Businesses and Public Administrations as described in the Service Catalogue.

Gender Equality Management System
Gender Equality Certification UNI/PdR 125:2022
RINA – Italy

This Certification attests the Company's commitment to promoting gender equality through a structured management system. Evaluated on six key areas - Culture and Strategy, Governance, HR Processes, Growth Opportunities and Inclusion, Pay Equity and Work-life balance - the Certification represents a concrete step towards an increasingly fair and inclusive working environment. The adoption of corporate practices and policies promotes diversity and ensures equal opportunities and accessible career development for all employees, while strengthening the Company's credibility in the marketplace and with stakeholders.


Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015 
Bureau Veritas Italia SpA - Italia - Italia

  • Design and provision of company consultant services.

Sectors: IAF 35, 37

Occupational health and safety management systems
ISO 45001:2018
DNV - Italia

  • Analysis, design, development, integration of information systems; design and provision of application outsourcing services.
  • Provision of services (related to the previous ones) of installation, training, start-up and assistance.
  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organizational consultancy.
  • Provision of support services for tax evasion research for Local Public Administration.
  • Provision of services for the settlement, assessment and collection of taxes, including the collection of tax and extra-tax revenues and assets.

Sectors: IAF 29, 33, 35, 37

Environmental management system
ISO 14001:2015 
DNV - Italia

  • Provision of T&M services for technical, application and organization consulting.

Sectors: IAF 35

Note: non-exhaustive list; the certificates have been issued in Italian or English.