Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

European Week of Regions and Cities

European Week of Regions and Cities

Join us to talk about digital technologies for inclusive and sustainable decision-making processes.

Brussels, October 10 - 13 2022

The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual event dedicated to cohesion policy. It has grown to become a unique communication and networking platform, bringing together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics.

The 20th edition will provide the opportunity to debate, keep communities connected and exchange best practices and ideas between partners and participants on four themes: green transition, territorial cohesion, digital transition, youth empowerment.

Roberto Di Bernardo, our Head of Open Government R&D Unit, will moderate the workshop “Data-driven cities: digital technologies for inclusive and sustainable decision-making processes” on October 11th.

The workshop presents good practices for designing cities through participatory urban planning and demonstrates how new technologies, such as digital twins, AI and simulation, can be leveraged to disrupt the urban planning status quo creating sustainable urban experiences that benefit all.

During the workshop practices from 2 projects will be highlighted. The URBANAGE project uses Digital Twins powered by Big Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence algorithms for data-driven decision-making in the field of urban planning for age-friendly cities. The URBANITE one, instead, empowers decision makers to perform smart, accurate, efficient policy making through an effective adoption of disruptive technologies and co-creation practices, developing tools for the collection, organization, integration, storing and visualization of data. 

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