
Assicuriamo l'affidabilità e la sicurezza dei servizi di mobilità basati sui dati e dedicati a persone, beni e infrastrutture.

Engineering per "Transportation" mira a promuovere efficienza, sicurezza ed innovazione grazie all'introduzione di soluzioni IT dedicate per tutti i tipi di trasporto (ferroviario, marittimo, aereo, su gomma), per la gestione della logistica e delle infrastrutture (es. porti e interporti, strade e autostrade, parcheggi) e per le soluzioni di mobilità intelligente (es. trasporto pubblico, car/bike/scooter sharing), attraverso l'adozione di nuove tecniche di raccolta dei dati dal campo (es. IoT) e di elaborazione dei dati (es. machine learning).

Engineering ha sviluppato un quadro specifico, la Portfolio Map, per descrivere le sue competenze end-to-end nel settore dei trasporti intelligenti e delle infrastrutture.

Portfolio Map


Solutions that cover all aspects of mobility: from access to the city, parking and payments, through real mobility management, regardless of the type of vehicle used (private or public), multimodal mobility, even including infrastructure management and the related energy network. Solutions for enabling customised user services: real-time navigation information, information on real load factors, crowd control and security. Solutions to pave the way for the change from private mobility (one's own car) to an integrated platform that easily exploits all available travel options. Communication and user information management solutions by providing up-to-date traffic, parking, and public transportation data. Promote efficient travel, reduce congestion, and support sustainable transportation choices. Payment and tolling solutions, fraud management. Intelligent payment management solutions: they enable payment services by profiling users, who can make secure transactions based on the services they use and automate the ticketing system of transport networks. Solutions for managing and integrating digital transactions and smart payments, ticketing and automated fare collection solutions. Services and technologies that use real-time data to optimize urban mobility, plan seamless journeys with dynamic planning and one-tap payment, optimize the development and use of resources, and create cities with less traffic, cleaner air, and accessible mobility for all. Solutions to improve parking systems with parking area identification, project finance programmes and fine management. Baggage Reconciliation System: uses tags and readers to track the location of baggage within the airport, at the gate and on the plane and to match all checked baggage to passengers. Solutions for asset tracking, delivery time optimization, and warehouse process efficiency using innovative predictive analytics technology. Operational Cartography, Asset Management, Spatial Monitoring. Solutions to adapt transport and sorting operations to traffic conditions and optimise routes. Solutions and technologies for delivery optimization. Integrated solutions for container systems and cargo terminals. Solutions for planning and optimizing transport operations in the supply chain. Application maintenance and evolution services for management information systems. Tools used to manage and track companies' fleets, to monitor vehicle conditions using predictive diagnostic and manage vehicle access to restricted traffic areas, acquiring information through video analysis algorithms and license plate recognition technology. Traffic detection management, ramp metering, dynamic lane, tunnel traffic control, dynamic signalling (DMS) and automatic toll collection. Traffic monitoring in both urban and suburban areas, ramp metering, dynamic lane, variable message board management, electronic tolling. Technologies to foster integration in local public transport and the development of platforms for access to multimodal mobility services. Technology-based services aimed at facilitating urban parking system through innovative payment applications and models, parking location identification. Support for the implementation of electricity distribution plant infrastructure to supply charging areas. Integrated energy management solutions, collection of consumption data, generation of consumption models and simulation of energy savings plans. Cloud-based software solutions make it possible to quickly and easily create the technological infrastructure needed to support new mobility services. Solutions and technologies to facilitate e-ticketing in a MaaS approach. Smart Mobility, Smart Parking, City Logistics, MaaS integrator and sharing solutions User information management: provide a range of aggregated and updated information in real time using multi-channel devices. Addressing through the Digital Twin, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and other modeling techniques Build&Operations issues and the identification of optimal designs based on stressed operational conditions. Managing construction sites using solutions for Integrated Workflow and Approval, Machinery Monitoring, Fleet Management, Workers' safety. Building Operation Centers (Infrastructure Monitoring, Telecommunication, Electrical SCADA) as well as systems for Traditional and Predictive Maintenance Managing energy usage of infrastructures through advanced analysis system, consumption models, network analysis, data collection. Solutions to manage vehicles and people access to restricted areas. Integrated management of buildings, stations and terminals using traditional and BIM approach. Asset Localization and Management, Maintenance, Infrastructure and System control and physical security based on complex video analysis. Integrated system with artificial intelligence tools and complex video analysis techniques for accident detection, road conditions, dynamic weighing, truck recognition and dangerous goods management. Managing terminal's automation & control for airports (e.g. Departure Control, Weight and Balance, Flights Information Display) and ports (e.g. Port Community System Terminal Operating System, etc.) Suite of solutions for monitoring & management of critical infrastructure: bridges, viaducts and tunnels. Includes modules for integration with systems for signal processing from sensor networks, automation & control (e.g. Ventilation, Lighting, Fire System, Smoke & Fire Detection, Plant and equipment, Resource location, Traffic Lights, Mechanical & Electrical Systems), big data processing and analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Port Authority Management solutions to streamline cargo handling, automate processes and improve visibility through integrated platforms for terminal operations, customs clearance, vessel traffic management, public management systems (points of contact, access management, management of administrative procedures). Land monitoring and management solutions that use remote sensing and other high-resolution images and data to monitor land cover changes and water quality.
Trasporto e Logistica: le sfide del settore tra innovazione, sicurezza e sostenibilità

Parlare di  Transportation significa ripensare il modo con cui persone e merci si spostano, e allo stesso tempo le infrastrutture che ne consentono il movimento, alla luce dei nuovi paradigmi dettati dalla mobilità intelligente e in linea con l’evoluzione dei bisogni dei consumatori.

Le nuove tecnologie offrono all’utente un’esperienza di viaggio sempre più profilata, gestibile da qualsiasi device e in grado di pianificare il percorso più adatto alla propria posizione geografica, alle proprie esigenze di tempo, alle proprie possibilità economiche.

L’AI, l’IoT, il Cloud, ma anche la Blockchain e la Cybersecurity, permettono quindi di creare un customer journey sicuro, assistito e personalizzato.

Per saperne di più leggi il nostro White Paper.


Assicuriamo l’affidabilità e la sicurezza di servizi di mobilità sostenibili, basati sui dati e dedicati a persone, beni e infrastrutture.

Comunicato Stampa

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Interviene all'audizione Lina Alberico, Sales Director Railway and Defence di Engineering.

Comunicato Stampa

Engineering al Meeting di Rimini

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Automotive Dealer Day 2024

Engineering all’evento in cui l’Automotive Retail incontra il Business e l’Ecosistema della Mobilità.

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Vehicle & Transportation Technology Innovation Meetings

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Our Podcasts


Sicurezza delle infrastrutture stradali



Trasporto aereo e droni



Trasporti: sostenibilità e sicurezza con il digitale
