Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


4ZDM Webinar - Digital Technologies for "Zero-Defect" Manufacturing

A webinar to present results of major Zero-Defect Manufacturing projects.

April 20 2022


Cloud migration and deployment models

A new edition of the Cloud Transformation Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano

Milan, April 20 2022


How IT changes relationships and services to citizens

Municipia presents the Chatbot project of the Municipality of Rimini.

Rimini, April 13 2022


The Possible Cities

The tour of Municipia and the Italia Digitale Foundation starts from Naples.

Naples, April 12 2022


how to mitigate risks
for companies with
Digital Surveillance?

Event organized by Engineering in collaboration
with CUOA Business School.

April 12 2022


Engineering at the 2022 Career Day of Cassino University

12th edition of the event created to facilitate the meeting between graduates and the world of work.

Cassino / Frosinone, April 11 - 12 2022


Sustainable Economy Forum 2022

Maximo Ibarra intervenes at the event organized by Confindustria and San Patrignano.

San Patrignano (Rimini), April 07 2022


Talent acquisition trends

New appointment of the HRC Community with an event dedicated to diversity and inclusion in recruiting.

April 06 2022


2nd Annual Workshop

Presentation of the 7SHIELD proect.

Rome, April 06 2022