Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

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Cybertech is Platinum Sponsor of the most important Italian conference on cybersecurity.

Roma, June 20 - 23 2022


European Digital Forum 2022

Engineering is promoting the 19th edition of the main continental event for the Media industry.

June 16 - 17 2022


Municipality of Florence: city of art and smart mobility

Webinar with Municipia on the occasion of FORUM PA.

June 15 2022


Passenger Terminal Expo 2022

Engineering at one of the most important international showcases in the airport sector.

Paris, June 15 - 17 2022


HIMSS European Conference 2022

In Helsinki, Digital Transformation meets the world of health care.

Helsinki, June 14 - 16 2022


Open exchange on TSO-DSO coordination activities, approaches and solutions

A webinar with our researcher Ferdinando Bosco.

June 13 2022


Engineering promotes CETIF Summit 2022

An opportunity to learn more about the trends that are transforming the financial industry.

Milan and online, June 08 2022


Connected Car & Mobility: the road to a new economy

Event presenting the results of the Milan Polytechnic Observatory.

Milan & online, May 27 2022


How future technologies will change the world and the role of the manager

Our CIO Massimo Canducci speaks at Federmanager's webinar.

May 26 2022