Research Project

EU DATA SP4CE: a European Alliance for the Manufacturing Data Space

Towards a European Data Space on dynamic asset management, predictive maintenance, agile supply chains and circular manufacturing.

Where: international
EU DATA SP4CE is a project driven by the National Industry 4.0 initiatives and supported by European Data Space and Industry 4.0 stakeholder communities.
Its goal is to facilitate and steer the deployment and scale up of future common data spaces in manufacturing. Furthermore, this initiative aims to establish broad consensus within EU DATA SP4CE around a strategic roadmap defined to accelerate secure, fair, and responsible data sharing while reducing operational and maintenance costs.
Several solutions have been implemented in the European landscape to ensure data sharing practices and meet the requirements defined in the European Data Act. Among these, EU DATA SP4CE defines a set of guidelines and related Roadmap for the establishment of Data Spaces for agile supply chains, dynamic asset management, predictive maintenance and, circular manufacturing. Legal, commercial, and technical elements relevant to the deployment of the Data Spaces are analysed, in order to encourage the participation of European SMEs. Engineering as partner of the initiative is responsible for the definition of the Blueprints and the technical elements constituting the Data Space in manufacturing. The project has been funded by the European Union's Digital Europe programme - Contract No. 101083939.



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