Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Accelerating toward connected and sustainable mobility: time to shift gears

Accelerating toward connected and sustainable mobility: time to shift gears

Eng is Sponsor of the Connected Car & Mobility conference.

Milan, May 28 2024

Engineering sponsors the event "Accelerating toward connected and sustainable mobility: it's time to shift gears", the conference organized by to be held May 28 in De Carli Hall at the Durando Campus.

New strategies and business models based on data, connectivity and Artificial Intelligence are coming to the market; the first Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) projects are born, V2X communication networks are expanding, and new experiments are being developed, from Smart Road to autonomous driving.

Market numbers will be presented, key technological innovations analyzed, the perspective of companies, PAs and consumers, and the impacts arising from new business models that are transforming the provision of smart mobility solutions.

For more information, click here.



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