Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


MEF - Mobile Ecosystem Forum

Engineering attends the Leadership Forum in Rome to explore Italy's role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Rome, May 09 2023


Career Day Luiss 2023

Engineering attends the Career Day at the Luiss University.

Rome, May 08 2023


Salesforce World Tour Milan

Atlantic – Engineering, Innovator Partner at the Salesforce event.

Milan, MiCo Conference Center, May 04 2023


Women Hack: Jobs that Empower You

Engineering opens the doors of its headquarters to host the spring leg of the international recruiting event dedicated to women.

Rome, April 20 2023


AI Week 2023

Engineering among the major protagonists of the week dedicated to the technology of the moment, Artificial Intelligence.

Rimini, April 17 - 21 2023


Industry 4.0 at the Hannover Messe 2023

Engineering Industries eXcellence, part of Engineering Group, is participating alongside Google Cloud at the event in Hannover.

Hannover, April 17 - 21 2023


The Metaverse at the Water Week 2023

Engineering alongside Schneider at the Uniacque event dedicated to water.

Bergamo, April 13 - 14 2023


Distretto Italia: "Together we become future"

Engineering at the event organized by ELIS, which brings together over 30 companies committed to offering young people guidance and training to enter the world of work.

Rome, April 13 2023


Consulting Career Week: Guess my job

Engineering attends the event organized by Milan Polytechnic.

April 05 2023