Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


Webinar "The Future is in Data"

An online event to learn about issues and criticalities related to data management.

May 31 2023


MongoDB Conference Rome

Engineeering at Italy's first conference dedicated to the country's technology leaders.

Rome, May 31 2023


ZDM across the supply chain: the InterQ approach

Engineering's R&D team presents the technologies developed during the project.

May 30 2023



Engineering presents its success stories in AI.

Pisa, May 29 - 31 2023


RISE SD - Research and Innovation Symposium for European Security and Defense

Engineering's Research and Innovation team will bring some concrete projects to the event.

Rhodes - Greece, May 29 - 31 2023


2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment

Engineering with a paper at the leading event in the field of metrology.

Milan, May 29 - 31 2023


Open University - Padua

Engineering at the Open University event at the University of Padua.

Padua, May 25 2023


Grandi Ospedali

Engineering is a sponsor of the second edition of the Open Meeting.

Rome, May 25 - 26 2023


TEF - Taranto Eco Forum

Engineering attends the event dedicated to innovation and sustainability.

Taranto, May 25 - 26 2023