11.10.2022 • Press Release
Engineering alongside ARIA and Regione Lombardia in the first Italian digital project of Proximity Medicine
Engineering, a leader in the digitalization of business and Public Administration processes, presents at the Digital Health Summit (Milan, October 12-14) the project SGDT - System for the Digital Management of the Territory, developed in partnership with ARIA S.p.A., on behalf of Regione Lombardia.
The goal of the SGDT project is to create the first national model of Proximity Medicine in line with the objectives of Mission 6 of the PNRR. By using new technologies and drawing inspiration from Engineering's ellipse ecosystem platform, SGDT will enable all the actors and structures involved in the new paradigms of proximity medicine (such as Community Hubs and COTs – Territorial Operational Centers) to take charge of patients, especially chronic and fragile ones, in close continuity with hospital services and the socio-health network.
“The use of new technologies and innovative digital platforms must certainly be the basis for a new model of managing socio-health services – stated Ettore Fiore, Head of Welfare Services Department, ARIA S.p.A. - We have therefore started, together with Regione Lombardia, a cutting-edge proximity medicine project and chosen Engineering as our partner to implement significant digitalization of processes, enabling our regional healthcare system to be even more inclusive and able to respond more quickly and efficiently to citizens' healthcare needs.”
“The digital transformation of healthcare – said Dario Buttitta, General Director Public Administration & Healthcare, Engineering – must allow structures and professionals in the healthcare system to respond more efficiently to patient care needs, improving the quality and timeliness of care. At Engineering, we have the expertise, technological skills, and healthcare context knowledge to support this innovation. The Proximity Medicine project launched with Regione Lombardia will enable a new model of managing socio-health services, which, thanks to the use of the most innovative technologies, will offer a healthcare system that is closer to people and perfectly integrated with hospital, territorial, and telemedicine services.”
To date, only five months after the start of its design, the "System for the Digital Management of the Territory" already guarantees the Regional Healthcare System of Lombardy to use some essential functionalities to manage a patient's care path entirely digitally, perform a preliminary needs assessment, plan and monitor care activities, and organize them within proximity structures.
The new system is inspired by the ellipse digital engine, Engineering's ecosystem platform aimed at the total digitalization of the healthcare system. With a totally data-driven approach, ellipse enables a real Digital Transformation in every area of care, redesigning organizational and operational methods using the latest technologies.
During the Digital Health Summit, on October 13, Engineering will also present the short film created in collaboration with the Fidelio film production company, which tells how the primary objective of the new Proximity Medicine is to reach the individual in their community, not only to promote care but also to maintain health, orchestrating digital services and the support of professionals around them.
In the field of innovative solutions for the Healthcare market, Engineering offers proprietary software classified as Medical Devices (MD) and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVD), certified in compliance with the current regulatory framework.
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