13.10.2022 • Press Release

Digital health: agreement between Engineering and Novartis for the innovation of the health ecosystem in line with the objectives of the PNRR

Three-year agreement between the two groups, leaders respectively in the digitization of processes and in medical and scientific research, for the development of innovative projects and solutions in support of the Regions and the NHS to achieve the objectives indicated by the PNRR in the digital health.

Predictive medicine and proximity medicine, telemedicine for home health care, reduction of waiting lists and optimization of operational models among the main areas of intervention of the joint table "PNRR and connected health".


Engineering and Novartis Italia, leaders respectively in process digitalization for business and PA and in medical-scientific research, have signed a strategic collaboration agreement for the development of initiatives and solutions aimed at accelerating the digital transition of Italian healthcare through cutting-edge technologies in care services,  patient care and healthcare facility management, an area in which both companies have a long experience and a virtuous path of consolidated partnerships.

For the first time in Italy, two excellences in the IT and pharmaceutical sectors, united by a strong vocation for investment in research and a continuous focus on innovation, are launching a partnership aimed at healthcare institutions, medical professions and patient associations, to respond in an ecosystem-based way to the challenges of "Mission 6" of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) dedicated to health protection, with a particular focus on the Regions and health systems at the territorial level.

"The support of digital technologies is a decisive and indispensable factor for an evolution of healthcare that meets the needs of citizens, and to allow medical and scientific innovation to express its full value," said Valentino Confalone, Country President and CEO of Novartis in Italy.  "The partnership we are inaugurating today will allow Novartis to make its commitment alongside Italian health institutions even more effective, helping to translate the PNRR's grand vision into reality and to build healthcare that is closer to patients and able to face public health challenges."

"Today Healthcare is the outpost of innovation, where cutting-edge technologies allow us to exploit the power of data to create digital ecosystems oriented to the care and well-being of people - said Maximo Ibarra, CEO of Engineering -. Engineering has earned an important role in collaboration with the Regions in the digitalization of Healthcare for the benefit of patients and the economic sustainability of the healthcare system. The agreement signed with Novartis will allow us to design even more targeted digital transformation processes and solutions that, while also guaranteeing the security of health data and respect for privacy, will improve the quality and timeliness of care pathways, so as to generate widespread and inclusive well-being for the country".

The three-year partnership includes the commitment of Engineering and Novartis in the joint working table "PNRR and Connected Health", which will leverage diversified expertise, related to those areas that play a particularly critical and priority role within the PNRR and that can play a leading role in building the healthcare of the future. In particular, the areas of collaboration relate to the testing of data-driven models in the field of: predictive and proximity medicine, telemedicine for home health care, optimization of intra-hospital operating models for the benefit, for example, of the reduction of waiting lists.