Research Project

TwinEU: Digital Twins for European Elecricity Systems

Artificial Intelligence and eXtended Reality for a cutting-edge European Digital Twin, focused on interoperability and data exchange through the integration of the Energy Data Space.

Where: international
In the context of Digital Twins (DT), the main challenges are the lack of consensus on their concept and functionalities, the absence of concrete implementations, and the lack of interoperability at the European level. TwinEU defines and implements a federated ecosystem of DTs, integrating the Energy Data Space and relying on use cases to facilitate data exchange among stakeholders in the energy sector.
TwinEU leverages a unique set of competences coming from grid and market operators, technology providers and research centres (the projects involves 77 partners across Europe) to create a concept of Pan-European digital twin based on the federation of Digital Twins so to enable a reliable, resilient, and safe operation of the elecricity system while facilitating new business models that will accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources in Europe.
TwinEU implements an adaptable federated Digital Twin ecosystem, which spans over three different layers: Adaptive DT federation system; Data Space enabled infrastrcture; DT Service Wrokbench. Eng plays a key role as leader of the design of TwinEU Architecture for the Pan-European Federated DT ecosystem, as well as the main responsible for the implementation of the Energy European Data Space. The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement N. 101136119

To know more

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Use Case

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