Research Project

TITAN: fighting disinformation with Intelligent Coaching

An open and distributed ecosystem to empower citizens' critical thinking. In this context,

Where: international
Disinformation produces false beliefs with the aim of misleading and confusing; it is designed to draw people's attention away from accuracy and distract them from analyzing statements. Disinformation can threaten social cohesion, amplify polarisation, inflame extremism, undermine free elections, public security, and public health by creating a web of lies and mistrust.
TITAN aims at using novel AI techniques to fight disinformation and to support the media professional in providing correct information. It empowers people to arrive at their own conclusions about the factual correctness or reliability of an online statement.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
TITAN helps to stop the unintentional sharing and spread of false information. The intelligent coaching models for assessing disinformation are built by mining arguments to identify disinformation signals contained in the statement through advance Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, they also incorporate micro-lessons containing media literacy material on fact-checking processes. The coaching models monitor the progress of users to provide targeted feedback, besides assessing the impact of sharing information through advanced monitoring and news trending of the social media networks. Engineering coordinates the project, and manages the platform AI solutions design and development. The project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101070658

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Use Case

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