Research Project

PYTHIA: discovering the future of Defense

A new tool, designed to analyze technological scenarios, enables the Defense sector to define its future evolution.

Where: international
Predicting the trajectories of defense technology is a challenge of key strategic importance, which conceals three main obstacles: keeping track of the progress made by research and development activities; determining the accuracy of a forecast without the availability of sufficient quantitative data; limiting the cognitive prejudices which influence even the most expert analysts’ answers.
PYTHIA project was developed to face these challenges, in the context of the Preparatory Action on Defense Research programme promoted by the European Defense Agency. Engineering coordinates numerous partners and 24 stakeholders from 14 different countries, represented by Ministries of Defense, think tanks specialized in strategy and defense, technology suppliers, analysts and world-renowned experts.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
PYTHIA was established to support national and European organizations operating in the defense sphere, as well as to identify technological trends in the defense sector through the recovery, synthesis and integration of large volumes of data and information. The methodology adopted and proposed by PYTHIA unites the most advanced Big Data analysis tools with the latest advances in the field of psychology and forecasting. At Engineering, in addition to all the management activities, we play a leading role in the technical development of the solution. Specifically, we support the development of a module for the automatic generation of scenarios, aimed at improving and facilitating the display of trends and on-demand forecasts and, finally, in the integration of developed and evolving services and tools.

A new approach for the Defense sector

Better knowledge of future scenarios


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