Research Project


AVANT (dAta and infrastructural serVices for the digitAl coNTinuum) is the project launched by Eng as part of the IPCEI CIS (Cloud Infrastructure and Services), a European strategic initiative aimed at developing next-generation cloud infrastructures and services.

AVANT fits into this context as a key element in the creation of an advanced digital ecosystem, capable of ensuring interoperability, security, and technological sovereignty at the European level, committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions for the future of cloud computing in Europe.

The Engineering project for the future of cloud computing in Europe.

Project "AVANT" – Prog. no. IPCEI-CL_0000005 - Application protocol no. 108421 of 14/05/2024 - CUP B89J24002920005 - Grant decree no. 1322 of August 8, 2024 - financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (IPCEI Fund).

Public-Private cooperation for innovation and competitiveness

IPCEIs are a key tool of the European Union to promote innovation, growth, and competitiveness among its Member States, fostering cooperation between the public and private sectors on initiatives of strategic relevance for our economic future and the achievement of real progress.

They offer significant opportunities for companies to access new technologies, expertise, and funding, improving their reputation and networking capabilities.

In this context, the European Commission’s Decision (2023) 8552 final of December 5, 2023, authorized State aid from 12 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Croatia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, and Hungary) to support the first IPCEI dedicated to technologies for the creation of a European value chain in Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services, called IPCEI CIS.

Engineering is participating in IPCEI CIS (Cloud Infrastructure and Services) with the AVANT project (dAta and infrastructural serVices for the digitAl coNTinuum) and is part of the Facilitation Group, a technical-administrative governing body of IPCEI that supports the Supervisory Board, in which Italy is also represented.

AVANT Project: Digital Twin and Cloud as drivers of change

AVANT creates cutting-edge solutions for managing complex systems through the use of Digital Twin technology, actively involving stakeholders and open-source communities, aiming to strengthen Europe’s technological leadership. The goal is to facilitate the transition to distributed and cognitive Clouds, capable of adapting to users' ever-evolving needs. AVANT also aims to improve coordination in the fragmented European market, reducing the time needed to implement advanced resources for data analysis and Digital Twin development.

AVANT's Key Objectives:

  • Digital Twin as a Service: make Digital Twins scalable and accessible across various sectors
  • Cognitive Cloud: create flexible ICT infrastructures, improving sustainability and efficiency.

The impacts of IPCEIs are manifold: from accelerating technological innovation to creating skilled jobs and improving environmental sustainability. Specifically, one of AVANT's main objectives is to generate economic and social value, stimulate international cooperation, and promote sustainable growth through a range of “spillovers.” These spillovers include benefits in areas such as education, the publication and sharing of relevant scientific results, and active participation in open-source communities, with a commitment to producing materials that facilitate and encourage community involvement.

AVANT Numbers
Portfolio Areas
Months of Project
0 M€
Project Value
AVANT: advanced services in vertical domains of strategic interest for European development.


Improvement of efficiency and productivity in production processes and supply networks through Digital Twin and Machine Learning.

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Cultural Heritage

Platform for the development and management of Digital Twins of artistic and cultural heritage objects and sites, virtual access, conservation, and preservation.

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Smart Communities

Digital Twin solutions to enhance policy making and provide services more aligned with citizens' needs.

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Energy & Utilities

Digital Twin for the management of distributed renewable energy, making transportation, distribution, and supply processes sustainable and efficient.

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Software framework for healthcare applications that uses AI and Digital Twin to support clinical decisions, improving the effectiveness of prevention and treatment actions.

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IPCEI: Innovation, Growth, and Competitiveness for Europe’s Future

Important European Common Interest Projects are fundamental for promoting innovation, growth, and competitiveness.

The goal? To tackle global challenges. Engineering is at the forefront with the AVANT project, which aims to revolutionize the use of Digital Twins and cognitive Cloud infrastructures.

Giuseppe Sajeva, Chief Technical Officer, and Emanuele Cacciatore, Offering, Innovation & Go-to-Market Director at Engineering, explain it to us.

IPCEI: Innovation, Growth, and Competitiveness for Europe’s Future
