Case Study

Tigros among the pioneers of Click&Collect in Italy

Digitelematica designed, together with Tigros, the online consumer experience equating it to the traditional consumer experience.

Where: Italy
Tigros' mission is to serve its clients at its best and to assure them high-quality products, in a relationship of authentic trust. Tigros pays attention to changing trends and the aim of the company was to develop an online grocery shopping system as fulfilling as the traditional grocery shopping. Grocery stores are one of the most complex eCommerce industries, because of the need to manage products sold by weight, fresh and super fresh foods, and complex delivery systems.
The solution to these criticalities was MarketSuite, a modular managing system of the whole business process (from the purchase to the order fulfillment) entirely based on a web technology, developed by Digitelematica, company of Engineering Group.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
Today, the ones who shops at Tigros can take advantage of two services: Drive and @Casa. Trigros Drive allows the consumer to do the grocery shopping in the ordinary way, by choosing the products and collecting them in the chosen supermarket at the preferred time. The service is totally free: Tigros pays for the operator who puts together the grocery shopping. Tigros @Casa is a grocery eCommerce service that delivers the grocery at home. It's currently active in 44 municipalities in the Varese area, and the number is growing.





Strengthening brand image



Bigger turnout at the store (C&C)



Advantages for the final consumer.


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