Case Study

PASSPAY Conad: the new payment frontier

Changing the world we live in also means revolutionizing the shopping experience to make it increasingly easier and faster

Where: italy
With more than 580 sales outlets and 16,000 employees in the regions of Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Lombardy and Sardinia, Conad Nord Ovest supports citizens in their daily lives. The cooperative, born from the merger of Conad del Tirreno and Nordiconad, has chosen Engineering to implement an innovative project that allows customers to enter a shop and buy the products they want without using their wallets.
With its more than 580 points of sale and 16,000 employees, distributed in Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Lombardy and Sardinia, Conad Nord Ovest supports citizens in their daily life. The cooperative, born from the merger between Conad del Tirreno and Nordiconad, chose Engineering to realize an innovative project, which enables customers to enter a store and buy the products they want without ever using their wallets. All of this is possible with PASSPAY Conad, an app designed and refined by Engineering which, thanks to an innovative recognition system, provides customers with a reserved checkout area in the supermarkets' points of sale.
By scanning the barcode of each product, customers can shop directly from their smartphones. After shopping, they do not queue at the cash registers, but go to an "invisible" payment area controlled by presence recognition software that indicates whether the lane is free. When the light turns green, a Bluetooth system is activated and identifies the customer using an Artificial Intelligence platform applied to the payment lane, while cameras and sensors confirm the identification to autonomously manage the process of charging for the products purchased. The checkout systems process the payment, process the tax receipt and print it out so that the customer can leave the supermarket with their purchases without ever using their wallet.



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