Case Study

Lighting is going smart in Sicily

A Smart City and Smart Lighting project to increase the efficiency and sustainability of street lighting

Where: italy
Innovating cities to reduce energy consumption, cut pollution and free up economic resources, as well as providing the public and businesses with information and innovative services via mobile devices. The aim of the project is to enable cities to use lighting only where necessary, thus reducing CO2 emissions and electricity costs.
Thanks to the savings in energy consumption, the authorities are able to free up economic resources for additional services. And thanks to the software technologies, innovative services can be offered for interaction with the local environment.
The project requires the installation of a number of physical components and advanced software applications to receive, monitor and manage all information remotely. The system is connected and integrated with sensors and video cameras that remotely collect, monitor and manage information from the urban ecosystem, also with a view to improving local surveillance for the benefit of public safety.

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Freeing up economic resources for other services


To know more

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Use Case

Enable Traceability for AgriFood

How to use digital technologies to improve food chain traceability