Case Study

Culture Card: a new ecosystem for user services, promotion and marketing

Creation of a new ecosystem for Culture Card management that encapsulates back office, management, and front end functionality, offers new services to users, and addresses promotion and marketing needs.

Where: italy
Our client needed to create a new ecosystem for managing the Card Cultura. The website was not suitable for the promotion and commercialization needs and was disconnected from the back-office management. Automatic functionalities for collecting data on Card usage and CRM were missing, leading to a lack of personalized services for individual users or clusters, loyalty operations, and BI.
The Municipality, a long-standing customer of Municipia-Gruppo Engineering in other sectors, already had our CMS for managing content and information for the 13 museum sites: it served as the core on which to develop the evolution of another important tool in the city's cultural offer, thus creating new modes of interaction with users.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
The solution is web-based, based on the Egnition CMS and integrated with the catalog and sales platform. It involved the creation of a new website for public service, with a reserved area (SPID access) where users can manage their data (GDPR compliant) and purchase/renew the Card (PagoPA compliant). The back end enables integrated management of all parameters related to the Card: data control, Card and pricing configuration, refunds and payments, promotions, renewals, etc. An operator app allows access control and reading of the Card at museums/affiliated locations, as well as managing authorizations, denials, and data collection. The system is integrated with the monitoring portal of the Municipality, with interactive dashboard views and dedicated reports on sales and access.





Reorganization of data architecture and FE (mobile first design, accessibility)



New automatic data collection / analytics features to support decision



making and planning

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