White Paper

AI & Advanced Analytics

The impact of AI in creating new value from data to drive the business of the future.

From data to business: advanced analytics empowering human capabilities

Digital Transformation is enabled by a variety of tools, such as cloud infrastructures and digital platforms, which allow organizations to rapidly adapt to market challenges and emerging opportunities. At the heart of this process lies the data-driven approach, which, through thorough data analysis, provides a clear and informed view to support the organization's strategic decisions.

By combining fundamental aspects of human experience with cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Advanced Analytics techniques in general, it's possible to significantly enhance data analysis capabilities and value extraction, thus realizing Artificial Intelligence applications for a wide range of purposes.

The ability to learn from data and simulate nature-inspired behaviors, combined with advanced models and algorithms, represents the change and evolution that position AI and Advanced Analytics among the most essential enabling technologies today.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Advanced Analytics: our multidisciplinary approach

AI & Advanced Analytics requires a scientific approach to data and problems in order to provide tailored solutions: there is no single solution that fits all cases.

With our “Data & Analytics” Technology Business Line we have developed a clear methodology that starts with easy-to-see results and addresses the complexity of the problems, achieving objectives in the shortest possible time.

A blend of competences is needed to face an Advanced Analytics project. Our Data scientists and Data engineers follow a very demanding training path, learning how to transform theory into practice effectively and productively. In Engineering we have a multidisciplinary team: Data Scientists, with engineering, IT, mathematical, physic or statistical backgrounds, but also linguists to master semantic and syntax for natural language analysis, and psychological and relevant competences also in neuroscience; experts in data management, whether Big Data or Small Data, cloud or on-prem; domain experts.

Our model is teamwork: there is no one who covers all disciplines, but a hub and spoke model that allows each client to access the expertise available on the market.


Generative AI power: a game changer with global impact

Generative Artificial Intelligence is destined to become an indispensable component of our everyday life.

How can it ethically and responsibly improve our daily lives, promote the spread of culture, and ensure economic and sustainable development?

Can it really be a booster in this new scenario that is emerging?