
Renewable energy and local communities

NRP incentivizes Renewable Energy Communities: find out what they are and how to manage them with our platform.

Active and responsible involvement in the energy transition: a sustainable, equitable, localised model

The current international context brings up the question of energy sovereignty and the need to break away from dependence on fossil fuels, for both geopolitical and climatic reasons. This is a major challenge that requires an unprecedented mobilization of the economy and society, making the most of the opportunities offered by cutting-edge technologies.

Renewable energies contribute significantly to this goal, and their increasing development is a key enabler for the success and acceleration of the energy transition.

A goal that can be made significantly closer with the involvement and synergy of all stakeholders in the ecosystem: national institutions, local communities, service providers and technology governance.

Renewable Energy Communities: NRP, Participation, Partnerships, Digital Platforms

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan envisages EUR 2.2 billion in non-repayable funds for the promotion of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, to boost their development in line with environmental sustainability objectives. The aim is to arrive in June 2026 with 15,000 Energy Communities, at least 2,000 MW of installed renewable capacity and a production of 2,500 GWh.

Renewable Energy Communities are an effective way to promote the adoption of sustainable energy sources: they can install renewable energy production plants and share the energy among participants, offer management services, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and environmental education.

In the local public administration, ESCos (Energy Service Companies) provide public-private Energy Communities with full outsourcing technical and financial support, both in the construction phase of the renewable energy plant and in its operational management.

Finally, Digital Platforms support, with vertical E2E solutions, the business processes and operational activities for the governance of the entire digital ecosystem and the management of the entire CER life cycle.

Let's make it real, together!

Discover how to safely and efficiently manage the production and sharing of energy, how to monitor consumption, air quality, traffic data in real time, how to proactively contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, to the Democratisation of Energy, to social cohesion.
Let's make it real, together!
Scopri come gestire in modo sicuro ed efficiente la produzione e la condivisione di energia, come tenere sotto controllo in tempo reale i consumi, la qualità dell’aria, i dati del traffico, come contribuire attivamente al raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile, alla democratizzazione dell’energia, alla coesione sociale.

Municipality of Bologna: Digital Management of Mobility and Access to the Historical Center

The Municipality of Bologna chooses Municipia, part of the Engineering Group, to monitor and manage access to the ZTL, reduce the workload of employees at service counters, and enhance the lives of citizens.

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Augmented City

We increase the city’s ability to serve its citizens, protect the environment, boost the local economy. And put people first.

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Naples: a new urban mobility

The city of Naples looks to the future and through new digital tools simplifies the management of mobility and parking.

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Energy & Utilities

We evolve business models and processes along the entire energy chain, according to the paradigms of Digital Transformation.

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Heating Management

Discover Engineering's composable platform for district heating: an end-to-end approach applied to business processes and operations.

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Renewable Management

Discover Engineering's composable platform for Renewable Energy Communities management and digital governance of the Consumer-Prosumer Ecosystem.

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Water Management

Discover Engineering's solution to make water management smarter and reduce water losses in the management of the integrated water service: an end-to-end approach applied to business processes and operational activities.

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Enegan: betting on renewable energy

Together with Engineering, the Italian trading company created a system to support transactions of energy produced from renewable sources. Combining business and sustainability

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BeFlexible: cross-sector services and interoperable platforms for smart grid operations

Boosting energy stakeholder engagement and cooperation to increase energy flexibility.

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ENERSHARE - The energy data space for Europe

Our project to facilitate the transition of the energy systems towards more smart and decentralized paradigms thanks to the secure data exchange and sharing among all the energy value chain stakeholders.

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inteGRIDy: a scalable cross-functional platform connecting energy networks

Integrated and cross-functional smart GRID solutions for optimized synergetic energy distribution.

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Energy & Utilities Platform

Our composable, agile, data-driven and centred on business processes that supports and anticipates the evolutions of Energy & Utilities.

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