17 January 2023 • Webinar

2023: the year of the NRRP

Guido Porro takes part in the webinar organized by the magazine Industria Italiana.

In 2023, the world of B2B technology will face two big positive shocks. The first is the arrival of funds from the NRRP, almost 20 billion euros to be spent by 2026 on capital goods, R&D, training, plants, equipment, ultra-fast networks. The second is the digitization of transport and business energy networks, a fundamental step to guarantee the use of renewables, the ecological transition and energy saving.

So what are the best strategies to create value on the corporate side? How to spend the extra resources? What are the success stories? What are the technology providers' proposals heading towards? And what does the digitization of energy networks entail? And how can it promote the emergence of renewables and energy saving?

Our Executive Vice President - Enterprise BU Guido Porro will answer some of these questions during the webinar "2023, the year of the NRRP. Which digitization for industry and energy? Which strategies to create value?", organized on 17 January at 2 pm :45 by Industria Italiana and moderated by the editor of the magazine Filippo Astone.

17 January 2023 • Webinar

Type: online

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