23 June 2022

The digital transformation of the B2B Customer Journey

A webinar to learn how technologies can improve sales, marketing and service efficiency.

09:30 - 10:30


On June 23, the CRM Observatory in collaboration with Engineering is organizing a Workshop to explore a topic that many companies are facing: "The Digital Transformation of the B2B Customer Journey."

Indeed, the pandemic has significantly accelerated Digital Transformation in Business Customer Journey companies. The technology ecosystem enabling this transformation has CRM at its core, integrated with platforms that enable business processes of Customer interaction.

It is a topic that has also been analyzed by the 7th CRM Observatory and that we will explore in depth during the webinar: we will focus on how CRM enables efficient sales processes thanks to CPQs, multichannel management by integrating Marketing Automation platforms, and finally the opportunities that augmented reality enables for field service.

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23 June 2022

Type: online

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