ESG: projects and initiatives

Our ESG Reports highlight some of our most significant projects that showcase the impact the company is making within its core areas.

In addition to numerous initiatives that demonstrate how Engineering is playing a leading role in the modernization of society.

Engineering adheres to the Foundation for Digital Sustainability

Digital Sustainability is the first Research Foundation in Italy which already includes numerous Italian universities and companies - Italian and international - leaders in their respective sectors of reference.

The Foundation is inspired by and recognizes itself in the Manifesto for Digital Sustainability , a vision on the role of technologies for a sustainable future, which defines the principles on the basis of which it proposes to guide technological development to contribute to satisfying the needs of the present generation without compromising the possibility of future generations to realize theirs.

"Today one of the most important challenges of the Digital Transition is to support and speed up the creation of a more equitable, green and inclusive social ecosystem. New technologies must not only generate efficiency but also enable the development of digital solutions aimed at achieving sustainability objectives. and the fight against climate change "stated our CEO Maximo Ibarra, at the time of signing, adding that" with this membership, Engineering strengthens its belief that the challenges of sustainability need to create virtuous synergies for create a new model of social design, able to bring, through the digital, a widespread well-being to all people ".

The space of life in the earth: from Brazil a show for ecology and inclusion

From the slums of Brazil to the Vatican, 24 boys from the favelas are the protagonists of the show "The Space of Life on Earth" with the aim of launching an ecological and social message in a tour that will touch Italy and France, and at the end of which a docufilm "Amazonia. The Space of Life on Earth" that will collect the most significant moments of this journey, with interviews with four young people from this project, which has Engineering Group among its main sponsors. On May 24, the show arrives at the Vatican, the Brazilian dance group Laudato Si' Amazonia - O Espaço da Vida na Terra participates in the general audience and then dances in the Colonnade area in St. Peter's Square.

The dance and capoeira show, was born from the meeting between dance master, choreographer and creator of the show, Rodrigo Baima and Antonietta Defrancesco, a Sister of Providence missionary in Brazil. She is the founder of CEFEC, the socio-educational center in the Marcos Moura neighborhood, an area of very high violence in northeastern Brazil. Antoinette bets on Rodrigo, supports him, motivates him and pushes him to realize his dream. After the untimely death of Sister Antoinette, taking the reins of the project is Sister Sandra who, thanks to her contact with filmmaker and activist, Lia Beltrami, makes the dream come true.

The Amazon is the lungs of the earth, and by participating in this project Engineering Group confirms its commitment to the environment, social inclusion, and combating climate change through art, culture, and exchange among peoples.

Our furnishings in support of the third sector

Chairs, desks, lockers, coat hangers, armchairs are the furnishings of our headquarters in Pisa, closed on June 30th 2022, which were donated to the parishes and Salesian oratories of Livorno, while another four trucks left for Turin, Novara and Gassino. Objects that, after having accompanied us in our business activities, come back to life, to furnish new spaces and give support to new projects.

In November 2022, our Assago office moved to Milan and also in this case, a large part of the interior fittings went to the benefit of third sector entities that needed it. The additional inventories were withdrawn by employees who requested them at the symbolic cost of one euro, saving still-functioning objects from the landfill.

Thus, after having assigned the furnishings of the Rome and Bologna offices to social projects, our Group confirms its commitment to local communities, the circular economy and sustainability models, which are more and more beacons in the performance of our activities.

Circular migration: the Y-Med project and a company internship for 5 Tunisian and Egyptian youths

With the entry into the company of the first three young people, the Y-Med project, which aims to offer young people from the Mediterranean from Egypt, Libya and Tunisia the opportunity to carry out an internship in Italian companies in Veneto and Lazio, in order to facilitate job placement in their respective countries of origin with a view to circular migration, comes into play.

Engineering, is among the 26 companies involved in Lazio and with the participation in this project strengthens its commitment to fostering innovation processes.

Training at a company abroad, learning on the job and acquiring soft skills represent a crucial moment of growth for young people at the beginning of their professional careers. The doors of our Rome office, will open, therefore, for five Tunisian and Egyptian boys and girls with degrees in STEM subjects who will be welcomed to the company for a six-month internship. Thanks to the IOM-sponsored program, the cross-cultural exchange will involve our technical teams, ensuring these young people a valuable path to professional growth.

Training and digital inclusion: the project of our Academy for the girls and boys of San Patrignano

More than 150 hours of courses aimed at training more than 100 girls and boys of the Community of San Patrignano. These are the numbers of the project that, starting from September, will see Engineering and the Community founded by Vincenzo Muccioli collaborate in computer and digital training.

The lessons will be taught by teachers of the IT & Management Academy of Engineering "Enrico Della Valle" and will focus on the acquisition and improvement of digital skills, to support the approach to the professions of the IT world and facilitate their entry into the labor market. The teaching, which will be organized into different modules and divided by level of IT skills, will range from the use and operation of PCs and smartphones to the use of the most popular digital tools, from the recognition and management of the dangers of surfing the Web to the new sharing platforms now central to working in Smart Working.

For Engineering Group, training means contributing to a fairer and more inclusive society. The realization of this project goes precisely in the direction of involving the students of San Patrignano so that they can learn about and benefit from the opportunities of a digital transformation that is changing the world.

Listening and Personal Wellness Desk

Knowing how to listen is an art for a few. Being listened to is a need for many. A new way of working such as smart working, in a particular period such as the pandemic one, can have a negative impact for some people. For this reason the Company has tried to identify the best answer to this problem by activating the Help Desk for listening and for the well-being of the staff.

Characterizing itself as a safe and anonymous space, the counter allowed all employees to enjoy individual meetings with professional psychologists and psychotherapists also experienced in online communication and remote management. Valuable support in times of difficulty, an opportunity to improve and discover new potential to be used inside and outside the office.

Engineering signs the Valore D Manifesto

Joining Valore D commits the entire Engineering organization to an active participation in the proposed initiatives.

These include training courses and opportunities for discussion between companies, with the aim of raising awareness on these crucial topics and pursuing a genuinely inclusive workplace.

Engineering's commitment represents a significant step towards creating a truly inclusive and equitable work environment for everyone.

Engineering joins the UN Global Compact

Engineering joins the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative designed to encourage companies all over the world to adopt sustainable policies to respect corporate social responsibility and to publicise the results of the actions undertaken.

Through a "letter of commitment" to the Global Compact, sent to UN Secretary General António Guterres, the Group has formally pledged its adherence to the Ten Universal Principles relating to human rights, labour, the environment, and the fight against corruption, to promote the values of sustainability in the long term through political activities, corporate practices, as well as social and civic behaviour.

With this adhesion, our company is taking another important step towards the consolidation of its social responsibility, reaffirming its commitment to integrating the values of sustainability into its business.

Engineering in the Open-es Community to support sustainability in industrial supply chains

Engineering has always been committed to supporting Digital Transformation that is strongly linked to the values of environmental, social and economic sustainability. The company is now joining the Open-es Community, the new digital platform dedicated to sustainability in industrial supply chains, the result of the partnership between Eni, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Google Cloud.

In joining, Engineering wishes to continue playing a leading role in the growth of an industrial ecosystem based on sustainability, to support an energy transition and economic growth that respect the needs of our planet as well as its citizens and communities.

The aim of Open-es, which has already been joined by more than 1,600 companies in nearly 40 countries, is to create an inclusive and collaborative community of companies that are ready to embark upon a journey of sustainable growth and development, aiming for widespread awareness throughout the value chain.

Using an ESG data model, based on the core metrics defined in the WEF Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics initiative, Open-es will allow all participating companies to measure themselves, with a simple and flexible approach, on a path of growth and development in terms of sustainability, aiming for widespread awareness throughout the value chain.

Ingenio al Femminile: stories of women who leave their mark

Conceived by the CNI (National Council of Engineers) and in collaboration with Cesop, the project aims to enhance female engineering talents and professionalism and facilitate their access to the world of work. The more general objective, consistent with Engineering's sustainability strategies, is to offer a contribution to the advancement of gender equality, in line with SDG 5 - Gender Equality of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.

The 2021 edition of the competition is aimed at recent graduates in the academic year 2019-2020 who have produced brilliant engineering theses on the theme "Sustainability in all engineering sectors to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda".

Together with Engineering, many important companies and various organizations support the project:: Confindustria ANIMA, EDISU Piemonte, Federico II Polytechnic School and Basic Sciences University of Naples, World Federation of Engineering Organizations.