A Software House active in the healthcare sector.
In the healthcare market, Nexera has focused on developing and implementing innovative IT platforms capable of meeting the needs of healthcare facilities (such as Local Health Authorities, hospitals, and private clinics).
After conducting an analysis of trends related to the demand for applications and IT services in Public Administration, and an evaluation of services in Application Service Provisioning (ASP) mode, Nexera decided to enter the market by introducing the ASAP service platform for healthcare, provided in ASP mode.
ASAP is a suite of applications designed for the management of healthcare organizations, hospitals, and clinics. It is built to modularly cover all information system requirements for this type of client.
ASAP: suite modulabile per la gestione completa di aziende sanitarie, ospedali e cliniche
The main functional blocks of the suite include:
Centro Direzionale, Torre Saverio, Isola C/1 - 80143 Napoli
Phone (+39) 081-18291000
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