Whistleblowing Management System

Engineering Group has implemented a system to ensure the receipt, management, analysis, and handling of Reports, including anonymous submissions, through designated channels established for this purpose.

Reporting Committee

Engineering has established a specific Group Collegial Body known as the Reporting Committee, tasked with overseeing the reporting process. This committee evaluates the process's adequacy, proposes improvements to the Board of Directors, and promotes necessary information and training initiatives for corporate people. The Reporting Committee comprises the Group Chief Human Resource & Organization, the Group General Counsel, and the Group Chief Audit Executive. The Reporting Committee is responsible for managing reports related to all the Group's subsidiaries, except those that already have a whistleblowing system in place that complies with the mandatory principles defined.


Engineering Group upholds ethics, fairness, and corporate integrity as fundamental principles essential for the sustainable and responsible conduct of its business activities.

In accordance with the organizational and governance developments of the Group,  Engineering has implemented a new reporting management process, which includes the following enhancements:

  • assigning the Internal Audit function as the process owner to improve the timeliness of analyses and the integration of all aspects related to the Internal Control and Risk Management System (ICRMS), consistent with the mission and responsibilities of this role
  • establishing information flows with other ICRMS stakeholders.

To promptly identify and address any actions, facts, or unlawful behaviors that may violate laws and regulations, the Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 adopted by the Company, the Code of Ethics, and corporate procedures in general, Engineering provides multiple reporting channels.

These include:

  • an online platform accessible to all reporters (employees, third parties, etc.) by clicking the link below ("Submit your report here"). This system facilitates the submission of reports through a guided online process without requiring registration or disclosure of personal details
    [This channel is considered preferential]

  • email: Reports can be sent to segnalazioni@eng.it
  • ordinary mail: Reports can be addressed to Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Reporting Committee Engineering, c/o Internal Audit Department, Piazzale dell’Agricoltura, 24 - 00144 Rome.

While anonymous reports are accepted by Engineering, providing a named report is preferred as it allows for quicker and more effective investigations. It also facilitates proper communication with the reporter, if necessary. Engineering assures confidentiality concerning the existence and content of the report, as well as the identities of both the reporters (if disclosed) and the reported individuals. Furthermore, protections for the reporter are guaranteed in accordance with legal provisions.

Management of reports (Whistleblowing)

Read Brochure

Privacy Notice on the Processing of Personal Data within the Reporting Procedure


Read notice

Privacy Notice on the Processing of Personal Data within the Reporting Procedure

Reported person and Third parties

Read notice