Research Project

ATLANTIS: resilience and protection of interconnected critical infrastructures

Improved resilience of Critical Infrastructures in Europe against large scale transnational and systemic risks.

Where: international
Critical Infrastructures (CIs) in Europe are increasingly becoming the targets of new categories of threats and attacks. ATLANTIS aims at enhancing resilience and Cyber-Physical-Human security of the key CIs in Europe, going beyond the scope of distinct assets, systems, and single CI, by addressing resilience at the systemic level against major natural hazards and complex attacks.
The mission is to improve the resilience and the protection capabilities of interconnected CIs exposed to evolving systemic risks due to existing and emerging large-scale, combined, cyber-physical threats and hazards. ATLANTIS guarantees the continuity of operations, while minimizing cascading effects and enabling public and private actors to meet current and emerging challenges by adopting sustainable security solutions.

ATLANTIS enhances the knowledge on large-scale vulnerability assessment and long-term systemic risks, and improves the systemic resilience of CIs in Europe, through novel, adaptive, flexible, and customizable security measures and tools, advancing effective cooperation. It delivers an open technological framework that provides AI-based solutions for increased awareness, capability and cooperation in managing systemic threats. The ATLANTIS solutions are validated in 3 Large Scale Pilots. Engineering is the project coordinator and brings its experience on Situational Awareness, Incidents Detection, Decison Support System, Threat Intelligence and exploitation and sustainability plan.

The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe HORIZON-CL3-2021-INFRA-01 - Contract No. 101073909.


Improved concepts and tools for systemic risks

Improved risk and vulnerability assessment

Enhanced preparedness and response

Improved detection and remediation of threats


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Use Case

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