Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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Smart Energy & Utilities


Innovative Trouble Shooting system for Acquedotto Pugliese's Control Room

A Trouble Shooting system implemented on an Application Module that covers all business needs through integrated and simplified management of Network and Plant Failure Management Operational Processes.

Approach & Solution



Acquedotto Pugliese (AQP), with 21,000 kilometers of water networks serving over 4 million citizens, 12,000 kilometers of sewage networks, and 185 purification plants, is among the leading national players in the management of the integrated water cycle and one of the most complex civil engineering works in Europe.

This system, one of the longest in the world and developed in the Optimal Territorial Area (ATO) Puglia – the largest in Italy by territorial extension – ensures the supply of drinking water to Puglia (100% of the population), Basilicata (25%), and Campania (2%).

AQP is a key player in a strong digitalization process based on three pillars: water resource protection, circular economy, and energy transition.

We at Engineering have provided in the implementation of the Trouble Shooting Project detailed requirements analysis, technical implementation of the solution, Integrations with external systems, system and integration testing, UAT support, training and post go live support.


AQP's new Control Room features a Troubleshooting [TS] system for tracking Emergency Response reports. The system tracks all information required by Arera and will be able to natively integrate with telephone bars.

Integration with mapping systems will allow georeferencing of the alert and initial recognition of the asset. If the reporting concerns utility meters, the 'interfacing with the SAP system will allow the identification of the delinquency status. It will also, through guided questions, support the operator in the correct classification of the fault.

For reports from Telecontrol, a report is generated to have effective feedback. The system interfaces with WinCC OA to automatically acquire the information to be integrated with any notes entered by the operator.


Evolved ticketing management

Compliance with information required for ARERA classification

Guided user support

Evolved workflow for managing information/approval processes

Engine for managing dynamic notifications, sending emails/sms/calls

Enabling Technologies

AI Advanced Analytics

Engineering proprietary products & other technologies

Neta Open Suite

Project Team

Energy & Utilities