Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Data Spaces Symposium

Data Spaces Symposium

Engineering participates in the event organized by Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) and Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA).

Darmstadtium, Frankfurt Region, March 12 - 14 2024

The highly anticipated Data Spaces Symposium is the flagship event for pioneers of Data Spaces innovation and strategy where market-ready use cases, cutting-edge technology solutions, and the important work done by the DSSC to create European Data Spaces in line with the European Data Strategy are presented.

On March 12, Roberto Di Bernardo, Head of Digital Experience R&I Program Management in Engineering, participates in the sessions "Water Data Space" (Waterverse project presentation) and "Business applications of data for sustainability | BDVA & FIWARE."

Davide Dalle Carbonare, R&D Business Developer in Engineering, moderates the session "International Manufacturing-X Council: Make Data Work!" during which, together with the other speakers, he provides updates on the status of the International Manufacturing-X Council initiative, and on March 13 he participates in the panel discussion "Data spaces and the Digital Product Passport - a perfect fit?", elaborating on the blueprint developed in the context of the DATA SPACE 4.0 project.

Massimo Bertoncini, Senior R&D Opportunities Manager in Engineering, presents the ENERSHARE Project coordinated by Engineering in the session "Enershare: Bringing together energy and data value chains to enable the energy transition."

Roberto Di Bernardo and Antonio Filograna, Senior Researcher in Engineering, will be waiting for you at the SPOTTED booth to provide insights of your interest!

For info and registration


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