25.04.2023 • Press Release

Shareholders' meeting approved 2022 Financial Statements

A year characterized by strategic acquisitions and important industrial synergies aimed at affirming the Group as a strategic asset for the digitization of the Country.


  • Increased commitment to sustainability, with the aim of increasing the ESG rating
  • An ambitious hiring campaign has been launched for 2023, with the entry of 1900 new people, related to the increased order portfolio in the various markets.

The Shareholders' Meeting of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, leader in digital transformation processes for companies and Public Administration, approved the financial statements for the year 2022.

The last year, characterized by a constant organic growth and a careful acquisition campaign aimed at strengthening the Group in the specific segments in which it operates, in addition to generating technological and know-how synergies, closed with results which confirm the role of the company as a reference Italian player in the digitization of the country.

The main economic indicators reflecting the Group’s new perimeter are as follows:

  • TOTAL REVENUES stood at €1,460 million, up 10.5% compared to €1,321 million in 2021. At pro-forma level, including the M&A activities completed in 2022, total revenues reached around €1,675 million.
  • EBITDA Adj was €208.6 million, up by 5.2% compared to €198.2 million in 2021, with a profitability on net revenues of around 15% in 2022. At the pro-forma level, including the M&A activities concluded in 2022, EBITDA Adj rose to around €241 million, with a pro-forma net revenue profitability of 14.7%.
  • NET PROFIT registered an amount of €29.5 million, compared to €47.4 million in 2021. At the pro-forma level, including the M&A activities concluded in 2022, net profit closed at around €28.8. The delta is due to the increase in depreciation and provisions and higher interest liabilities related to the increase in financial debts associated with strategic acquisitions, aimed at sustaining robust growth in the coming years.
  • Group’s headcount grew by 25.1%, going from 11,571 to 14,480 units.

Maximo Ibarra, CEO of Engineering, comments: "Group data approved today, the industrial acquisitions and synergies carried out in the last year confirm and consolidate the strategic role of Engineering as a Digital Transformation Company engaged in supporting and speeding up the digital transition of the country and the most strategic sectors for our economics. In 2023, with the fundamental support of our shareholders Bain Capital and NB Renaissance, we will intensify investments in proprietary technologies, research and partnerships, to support more and more incisively the digitalization of the processes of private and public companies both in Italy and in the international markets in which we operate and where we aim to strengthen our presence. As a strongly human capital company, we will continue to invest in our people and in the attraction of new talents through an impressive hiring plan, which confirms us among the Italian Top Employers. Finally, the excellent results achieved in the field of ESG in 2022 will push us to intensify our commitment to integrate the values of sustainability into the Group’s offering, in order to foster increasingly green, inclusive and fair business models".

The trend of increase, substantially in line with the previous year, comprises some new particularly strategic aspects of industrial nature, that have characterized the year 2022 and that constitute further elements of vision and prospective growth for the coming years. These include the following:

  • the initialling of relevant industrial partnerships, such as the one with Leonardo, aimed at supporting the digitalization and cybersecurity strategies of companies and PAs through the identification of areas of collaboration and business opportunities in the fields of Defense, Health, Finance, Public Administration and Infrastructure;
  • the three-year agreement signed with Novartis for the innovation of the ecosystem of the health in line with the objectives of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) for the development of projects and innovative solutions in support of the Regions and the SSN (National Health Service) in the fields of the predictive medicine and proximity and the telemedicine, to contribute to the reduction of waiting lists and optimization of operating models, which are among the main areas of intervention of the joint table "PNRR and connected health";
  • the closing of two important acquisitions: BE Shaping the Future, a market leader in the field of digital IT consulting for the financial services industry, to support its customers in complex technological transformation projects; Atlantic Technologies, company specializing in Salesforce implementation and CRM, ERP and Analytics consulting;
  • the participation, as a founding member, alongside prestigious universities and other important players, in the national research center HPC, BIG data and Quantum Computing with Hub at Tecnopolo in Bologna, born within the component "from research to business" the Mission "Education and Research" of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan);
  • the award as lead company of a temporary grouping of undertakings winner of the 4 Application Lots of the first Consip Framework Agreement on Digital Health on clinical information systems for public administrations of the National Health Service, as well as - always as lead company of a temporary grouping of undertakings -, lots 8 and 10 of the framework agreement Consip Cloud iaas and paas with the object of providing public cloud services to public administrations.

Major events after the end of the financial year include:

  • the recent award as lead company of the AGENAS (the Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services) concession for the design, implementation and management of the National Telemedicine Platform (PNT). The 10-year project has a strategic value aimed at communicating the Central Administration with local Administrations, to provide governance and centralized monitoring of Telemedicine processes implemented at regional level, in line with the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) - Mission 6 Component 1 sub-investment 1.2.3 "Telemedicine".
  • the birth of Napoli Obiettivo Valore, the new project company resulting from a ten-year public-private partnership contract (PPP) between the Municipality of Naples and Municipia SpA and aimed at enhancing the recovery of evasion and avoidance, ensuring effective ordinary and compulsory collection.

The Group’s ability to build and define growth conditions over time, combined with the constant acceleration of digital transformation processes in all areas of industry and public administration, have led Engineering to define a new and ambitious hiring plan for 2023 that provides for the entry of 1900 new resources, compared to 1600 new entries registered in 2022.

Finally, 2022 saw Engineering’s commitment to sustainability grow. For the first time the Sustainability Report, published in 2022, has been submitted to the review process by a third party, Deloitte. In the environmental field, the company marks an 8% reduction in direct emissions, 5% in the electricity consumption of the Data Center of Pont-Saint-Martin and a 14% reduction in electricity in all Data Centers: all results that are accompanied by the figure certifying that 65% of the electricity supply used by the Italian offices and Data Centers comes from certified renewable sources.

As a further step forward in increasing its ESG rating, Engineering has become a Partner of Open-es, a system alliance launched by Eni for the sustainable growth of value chains, alongside other important Italian and international companies involved in the sustainable development of production chains.