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ARERA news for waste cycle regulation

ARERA news for waste cycle regulation

Municipia meets with its customers in the upcoming webinar to talk about ARERA's changes following the entry into force of the new resolutions and the related impacts related to the calculation of the TARI Business Plan.

February 06 2024

"ARERA news for waste cycle regulation": this is the title of the webinar, organized by Municipia S.p.A., the Engineering Group company dedicated to the municipal market, scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Dr. Umberto Montagna, an expert in waste regulation, former manager of public urban waste management companies and consultant to the Public Administration on the issues of waste levy application with elaboration of Financial Plans, tariff determination, regulatory assistance and advice, will speak.

During the event, issues related to obligations, deadlines and impacts of the latest ARERA resolutions in relation to the municipal waste management cycle will be addressed.

It will also be possible to learn about Municipia's support services for Municipal Revenue Management for 2024.

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