Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


The evolution of talent management

In the workshop organized by SAP and HRC we talk with our client ANAS about the drivers of the future of work.

June 23 2022


Virtual Fair forDoc 2022

Where training meets work

June 23 2022


The digital transformation of the B2B Customer Journey

A webinar to learn how technologies can improve sales, marketing and service efficiency.

June 23 2022


Missione Italia 2021/2026

Engineering alongside ANCI to digitize Italy by leveraging the PNRR.

Rome, June 22 - 23 2022


Matera Digital Week 

First edition of the event aimed at companies, start-ups, institutions and citizens, combining scientific communication and popularization.

Matera, June 22 - 26 2022


Diversity Day 2022

Engineering promotes the special recruiting event at the Bicocca University of Milan.

Milan, June 21 2022


Privacy: a human right in the digital society

Engineering tra i partner dell’iniziativa del MIUR per un uso consapevole delle tecnologie.

Rome, June 20 2022


Campania Digital Summit 2023

Engineering is the main partner of the event organized by The Innovation Group.

Naples, June 20 2022


Campania Digital Summit 2022

Engineering is the main partner of the event organized by The Innovation Group.

Naples, June 20 2022