Healthcare Platform

With ellipse and AREAS, we enable the digitization and integration of administrative and clinical-care processes, across all areas of care.

ellipse: ecosystem of applications

Specifically designed for clinical-care, hospital, and territorial activities, as well as for related patient engagement activities, ellipse enables the total digitalisation of the "health system", as it allows:

  • healthcare organizations, to activate and support new models of care and patient relationship
  • healthcare professionals, clinicians in particular, to have advanced IT solutions, which actively support them in real time in their daily diagnosis, decision and treatment activities
  • patients, to be included and participate in the management of their own health pathways (e.g. information, choices, therapies, etc.)
  • healthcare systems, to implement practices and tools to enable an increasingly value-based assistance (Value Based Healthcare).


ellipse is built on a completely new technological framework, which implements and integrates all the most up to date technologies and paradigms: from a cloud-ready micro-services approach, to DB-independence, from Artificial Intelligence to privacy by design & by default, from IoT to mobile first.

ellipse allows to create entire application ecosystems or individual and customized solutions, cooperating with other Engineering or third-party applications.

ellipse brings new, faster and more efficient design and management methods, concerning: requirements analysis, start-up, configuration, integrations, training, monitoring and control, etc.

ellipse for Proximity Medicine

Thanks to cutting-edge IT systems, today we can ensure greater attention to the health needs of citizens at lower costs for the public system.

But that's not all... with the data obtained, we are studying a predictive model to understand the trend of hospital admissions.

(video in Italian)

AREAS® is the platform we have specifically developed to meet the needs of the healthcare sector, combining our over 25 years of experience in this field with the most reliable technologies that have progressively emerged.

Over the years, AREAS® has become one of the market benchmarks, chosen by over 160 healthcare facilities and used daily by more than 100,000 healthcare professionals.

Thanks to AREAS®, hospitals, healthcare companies, and entire regions have digitized and integrated their clinical, administrative, and governance processes, optimizing available resources and improving care processes; all to the benefit of citizen-patients.


Our proprietary platform for the digitization and integration of clinical and administrative health processes.