23.08.2023 • Press Release

Engineering at the Meeting of Rimini

Our CEO Maximo Ibarra spoke at the conference "Infrastructure and PNRR: What Development for Italy" on the role of digital technology in the development of national infrastructure.

Maximo Ibarra, CEO & General Manager of Engineering, spoke today at the Rimini Meeting, participating in the conference alongside Matteo Salvini, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Giovanni Toti, President of the Liguria Region, Antonio Decaro, President of ANCI and Mayor of Bari, and Luigi Ferraris, CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane.

At the conclusion of his speech, he stated: “As every year, the Rimini Meeting has proven to be a valuable opportunity to bring together institutions and companies on strategic issues for the development of the country. Infrastructure development is certainly one of these, as it represents a crucial factor for the growth of communities, creating services that improve the lives of people and businesses, facilitating movement, enhancing mobility, and enabling faster and more inclusive communication and connection systems. Digital technology is fundamental in these processes, as it ensures the efficiency, safety, and economic and environmental sustainability of the entire lifecycle of networks and infrastructure.

New technologies must be part of a planning process that makes innovation an equitable and inclusive factor, especially today when the PNRR can give Italy a significant push to achieve infrastructural modernization that not only meets current challenges but also delivers future-proof projects. Keeping in mind the geographical diversity of our territory, digital technology can help develop coherent programs tailored to the specific areas, enhancing the unique qualities of the country.

In this challenging journey, which relies on collaboration between the public and private sectors, the role of a Digital Transformation Company like Engineering, with offices in every Italian region and a widespread presence across the country, can be crucial in ensuring efficient infrastructure and preventing critical issues and delays. This can create a virtuous cycle that benefits citizens, boosts the competitiveness of our businesses, and strengthens the economy as a whole.”