15.12.2022 • Press Release
On line the new Sustainability Report, for the first time undergone through a third party review process (Deloitte)
Engineering, leader in the digitization of company and PA processes, publishes the 2021 Sustainability Report, for the first time undergone through the voluntary review process by a third party, Deloitte, which was thus able to verify, for the Group companies belonging to the Italian perimeter, objectively the commitment to the Group's sustainability policies and their compliance with the GRI standard (Global Reporting Initiative, Core Option).
The new Report tells and reports on the main results achieved in 2021 by the Engineering Group in the three ESG areas and in line with the SDGs defined by the UN Agenda 2030, and anticipates future commitments by illustrating some results already achieved in 2022.
“The times we are living in are unfortunately marked by health and social emergencies and by the increasingly worrying effects generated by climate change. – explained the CEO of Engineering Maximo Ibarra – Organizations and economic players are increasingly cultivating the culture of responsibility and commitment towards people and society. I am sure that, also driven by the sensitivity of the new generations, we will be called upon to do even more in the coming years, because in an increasingly interconnected world there are no social, economic or climatic problems that do not also affect us or our business and at the same time On the other hand, there is no choice or decision that we make on a daily basis that does not produce significant impacts. Technology can and must help solve these problems, simplifying and improving the lives of all people. But also developing compensatory effects.
As demonstrated by the Sustainability Report just published, and for the first time certified by a third party body, year after year in Engineering we are intensifying our commitment to ensure that the Digital Transition becomes, for us and for all our stakeholders, the strategic lever with which to bring about disruptive changes, capable of making the world we live in greener, more inclusive and fairer. A challenge that we face by following the indications of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and with the ambition of becoming an ESG Champion, a strategic asset for the country's sustainable development".
Drafted according to the three ESG parameters (Environmental, Social and Governance) to report the Company's commitment to pursuing the objectives related to environmental protection and social equity in an ethical and transparent business management, for each of these areas the Report reports some important sustainability goals achieved by the Group.
In the area of Governance Engineering is proving to be increasingly connected to the international challenges of sustainability and the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda. A commitment that the company carries forward by intensifying its presence in sustainability networks: from joining the UN Global Compact (with the signing of the 10 principles inspired by environmental sustainability, human rights, the transparency of corporate actions), membership of the Valore D association, of which Maximo Ibarra is a member of the CEO Circle, to accelerate the achievement of targets relating to Diversity and Inclusion, up to the entry into the Digital Sustainability Foundation together with other important Italian companies and universities in the belief that the challenges of sustainability require virtuous synergies to create a new model of social design, capable of bringing, through digital , a well-being spread to people and communities.
In the environmental sphere, the company reports a 5% reduction in electricity consumption at the Pont-Saint-Martin Data Center and a 14% reduction in electricity in all Data Centers: two results which go hand in hand with the figure which certifies 65% of the electricity supply used by the company's 39 Italian offices and data centers comes from certified renewable sources.
The results achieved by Engineering in the Social area are also all positive: the presence of women in managerial positions is increasing (+3%), the presence of young talents under 30 is growing (+6%), the training days provided reach around 24,000 by the Group's IT & Management Academy. To these internal results must be added the many initiatives in favor of the community carried out by the Group also over the last year, such as the digital training courses for over 100 girls and boys of the Community of San Patrignano, the opening of its recruitment also to Ukrainian refugees with STEM skills.
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