Research Project

TRILLION - Working together for a safer society

Platforms and mobile applications to support extensive collaboration between citizens and Law Enforcement Agencies for incident discovery, prediction, reporting and interaction.

Where: international
The principles of Community Policing, which inspire the TRILLION project, promote the implementation of two-way collaboration channels between citizens and LEAs: access to a flow of relevant and up-to-date information accelerates the identification of risks, facilitates their prevention and builds a continuum of collaboration that motivates citizens and LEAs to work together.
The increase of Urban Security crimes requires a new approach. Citizens' engagement represents an effective way to report Law Enforcement Agencies any security issue and activate appropriate security policing counter measures. Social Media are increasingly being used for public safety and emergency management, but their full potential is often not being tapped. Police departments and patrol officers already use to communicate each other during emergencies, even though such actions are limited to one-way reporting that does not incorporate all specific communication needs to increase knowledge of LEAs and citizens awareness about dangerous security threats.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
TRILLION, coordinated by Engineering, provides a comprehensive platform to support extended collaboration between citizens and LEAs. The platform's operational environment is not limited to an ongoing crisis, but also supports early identification and prevention of emerging risks. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653256.

To know more

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Better data analysis and management: a project to equip law enforcement agencies with secure and resilient AI technologies and tools.

Use Case

Enable Traceability for AgriFood

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