Research Project

SecuRALL - A holistic approach for the security of critical infrastructures

A high-tech service platform for the detection, identification and monitoring of cyber-physical threats.

Where: italy
The security governance of an infrastructure must necessarily take into account both physical and cyber aspects, as well as the effects that one aspect has on the other (e.g. a cyber breach may have an impact on physical security or vice versa), fields which have always been managed separately.
SecuRALL project tackles the problem of protecting critical IT infrastructures (CIIP) with a holistic approach, which simultaneously manages both contexts. It proposes innovative technologies and solutions for a smart analysis of data and bridges the historical gap existing in traditional approaches. The platform provides the tools to model the interdependence between infrastructures and processes, allowing the cause/effect analysis of the various events detected.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
SecuRALL integrates specific devices already in place for the security of the infrastructures, providing an overall view and creating greater value for the purposes of risk analysis and assessment. By normalizing the information made available and presenting it through a clear and readable user interface, the platform is able, through its analytics engine, to analyze the cause/effect conditions that can be generated on a given infrastructure, evaluating the risk of impact on the ability to provide the service, on the staff or on the surrounding ecosystem. Engineering D.HUB coordinates the project, defines the functional objectives and is involved in the development of the necessary analytics algorithms PROJECT CO-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND - Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014/20 (FESR)

To know more

STARLIGHT: Artificial Intelligence to fight against high priority threats

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Use Case

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