Research Project

SCENT: smart citizen education for a green future

A competence framework embracing the Green Deal through an iterative, participated experience and learning-by-doing based design approach.

Where: international
The Green Deal policy implementation needs the partecipation of EU citizens, and especially youth, in co-creating, experimenting and validating a Multidisciplinary European Competence Framework (GreenComp).
SCENT project covers the main thematic areas of the EU Green Deal, fostering its acceptance and adoption with a participatory multi-stakeholder approach, and measuring its efficacy in terms of awareness, competences and implicit attitudes, considered key factors for a real behavioural change. Pilots will implement a range of pedagogies (collaborative learning, debate, research-based learning, inquiry-based learning), demonstrators, digital, physical and hybrid educational technologies designed for the project or to be integrated by existing initiatives.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
Young students and citizens will be involved in collecting examples of best practices and environmentally-friendly behaviour. All reported data will converge in a central content store where citizens became curators. To facilitate the gathering, the management and the study of the collected information, SCENT developes a content acquisition accessible mobile app (SCENT app), an IT platform to store the environmental content and related metadata, allowing semantic modelling and enrichment (SCENT platform) and an accessible Content Manager User Interface to search and retrieve relevant content (SCENT Content Manager). Engineering developes the digital demonstrators, physical and hybrid. The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020- EU 3.5 programme - ID No. 101036480
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