Research Project

Rehome: a platform supporting rehabilitation services for the aging population

ICT solutions for the tele-rehabilitation of cognitive and motor disabilities caused by neurological diseases.

Where: italy
The aging of the population, and the consequent growing percentage of people suffering from neurological pathologies and related disabilities, require more and more resources in terms of rehabilitation services. Solutions based on ICT can support new patient care and disease management strategies, by deploying telemedicine applications and services.
The REHOME project has realized an integrated platform for remote monitoring and rehabilitation of cognitive, motor, and sleep disorders caused by neurological diseases. The solution integrates sensors and innovative methodologies to face patients’ and clinical needs by ensuring the continuity of care and rehabilitation services from health facilities to domestic scenarios.
Digital Ecosystem
Digital Ecosystem
The REHOME system has been developed with cloud technologies and is based on a distributed microservices architecture. It offers a solution that includes: a cognitive rehabilitation platform based on gaming for training and rehabilitation of specific cognitive domains, a motor rehabilitation platform based on exergames for the evaluation and motor rehabilitation of limbs, posture, balance and coordination, a sleep evaluation platform aiming at detecting and evaluating sleep disorders, a platform which allows caregivers to monitor the patient's rehabilitation status. Engineering has been involved in both the development of the monitoring platform for physicians and the design, integration, and interoperability of the entire solution. The ReHome project is implemented with funding from the 2014-2020 Piedmont POR FESR - AXIS I - Action I.1b.2.2





Reduction of rehabilitation costs



Facilitated interaction doctor-patient-caregiver



Improved patients' motivation thanks to gamified approach.


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