Research Project

ENERGIDRICA: Efficient energy management for water networks

We support decisions-making with innovative and interoperable processes and tools for a more efficient energy management of the water supply and distribution network.

Where: italy
The management of water infrastructures is today one of the key areas for assessing the application and development of new models and technologies for energy efficiency. A greater efficiency in the water conveyance-distribution system offers great margins for reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. It is estimated that effective plant control can save 10% of water and 12% to 30% of energy.
At this end, innovations that consider the entire process are necessary. This includes energy rationalization of the water supply schemes for consumption centers using multiple water sources, optimizing the pumping systems in conveyance and distribution networks, and incorporating the use of renewable sources.
ENERGIDRICA will develop a decision support system for energy efficiency in water supply and distribution networks, generating process innovations and integration with sustainable energy sources in three areas: Urban Supply Provision Schemes from Multiple Sources, Management of pumping in the supply and distribution networks, Integration with sustainable energy sources into a self-consumption logic. Engineering is in charge of the definition, development and validation of a cloud-based architecture that guarantees openness and interoperability of the project results with respect to existing solutions already adopted in the reference industrial field. The project is funded by MIUR in the Program PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014–2020 – Azione II – OS 1.b.





Attracting investments in research field



Growth of innovative businesses



Strengthened competitiveness



Transferring process innovations to Water Managers


To know more

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