Instant Paper

Water Management

Discover Engineering's solution to make water management smarter and reduce water losses in the management of the integrated water service: an end-to-end approach applied to business processes and operational activities.

The integrated water service to the test of climate change

Water use is increasing worldwide in light of population growth, economic development and changing consumption patterns.

The management of the integrated water service and the current collection and distribution model are severely challenged by climate change, which generates highly variable situations including periods of heavy rainfall and periods of drought.

Companies in the sector must therefore organise themselves and change their management model to cope with the varying demands.

Water Management, our solution for managing water resources

To support the challenges of Integrated Water Service Authorities in the coming years, we have developed our Water Management Solution (WMS), a Composable Platform that adopts an end-to-end approach applied to business processes and operational activities designed to manage and reduce water losses.

Users, Institutions, Municipalities & Local Communities, Trade associations, School, Media: there are several beneficiaries of the information and activities provided by the WMS solution, to be involved either in a stand alone mode (specific information) or through an integrated network (shared, cross-cutting information).

Our Impact

Embrace the resource revolution: empowering water efficiency and savings!

Water is, at the same time, a product and a common good to be protected: therefore, its preservation requires the application of management logic aimed at achieving water efficiency objectives.

Watch the infographic, listen to the podcast and discover the toolbox with our platforms, case studies and research projects.

Engineering & NRRP, one mission

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) represents a fundamental development opportunity for Italy to bring about changes that will benefit society as a whole, redefining the contours of the country’s economic, social, and cultural fabric.

Technology represents the great enabling factor of this transformation: the digital revolution today requires us to rethink our world not only in terms of efficiency but also sustainability.

Engineering has always sought to improve the world in which we live and work through the use of cutting-edge technologies. The NRRP accelerates and supports what has always been our mission: to be the main partner for the transformation of the country, from companies to institutions.