20 April 2022

4ZDM Webinar - Digital Technologies for "Zero-Defect" Manufacturing

A webinar to present results of major Zero-Defect Manufacturing projects.

09:00 - 13:00


The concept of zero-defects in the management of quality is one of the main benefits deriving from the implementation of Industry 4.0 both in the digitalisation of production process quality and from the digitization of product quality. At the heart of this “zero-defects” infrastructure is a set of digital solutions and approaches that provide the ability to connect different parts of the manufacturing life cycle through digital data supporting the use of information for intelligent automation and more efficient decisions.

The 4ZDM Webinar will present results from key ZDM projects that are establishing a complete ecosystem of Industry 4.0 solutions that can simplify the development of Zero-Defect Processes by easily connecting both existing and new devices and sensors to related information systems and operational assets, therefore delivering a more comprehensive business value.

Cinzia Rubattino, our senior researcher, will speak about a Reference Architecture for ZDM in Smart Manufacturing as a result of the I4Q project, and Mauro Isaja, our research manager, will give a talk about InterQ and the Trusted Framework architecture for ZDM.

To register, visit this link.


20 April 2022

Type: online

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