Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Digital Industry

Bucci Industries: reimagining service cloud for emergency situations


Bucci Industries


Digital Industry




The strong synergy between Engineering, Atlantic Technologies and Bucci Industries allowed the realization of a specific digitalization project to respond promptly to the emergency in Emilia-Romagna.


Respond quickly and launch the digital emergency operation in Faenza, one of the municipalities in Emilia-Romagna most affected by the floods.


Recompose the Salesforce Service Cloud platform in a flash, so that emergency equipment while tracking its distribution in real time.


Managing urgent cases more efficiently and quickly, facilitating a people-centered service and improving contact with the local community.


Digitalization during the flood emergency

In an emergency situation, digitalization is crucial to maintain communication and speed up the distribution of equipment to citizens in difficulties.
Bucci Industries is a global leader in industrial automation and robotics and needed to activate digital services to provide immediate assistance and support to its employees and their families.

The company originates from Faenza, one of the municipalities in Emilia Romagna, which was in need due to a severe flood.

During this difficult time, Antonio Cibotti - Vice President Marketing & Subsidiaries Bucci Industries- set up a task force with the company to speed up the procurement of pumps, generators and pressure washers needed to combat the flood disaster.

Rethinking Service Cloud processes in a fast and agile way

Thanks to a well-established relationship with Engineering Group on CRM processes with Salesforce, Bucci Industries equipped itself with a Service Cloud adapted for dispatching emergency equipment and on-site assistance. The platform was reconfigured in a matter of hours and was able to provide a single, accurate view of equipment availability. The information and process flow of dispatching was available in real time.
Due to limited telephone connections, an instant messaging service was integrated into the platform. This was able to extend digital engagement so that the Bucci Industries team could quickly interact with citizens and provide them with immediate support.
Antonio Cibotti
We needed confidence, speed and agility during the emergency. Together with our partner, we were able to quickly reorganize our digital processes to be close to our community in Faenza.
Antonio Cibotti
Vice President Marketing & Subsidiaries, Bucci Industries


Speed and continuity in communication

Agility in cloud configuration

Quick access to data to organize priorities

Controlled and real-time visibility of equipment availability

Project value

    Process Performance

Enabling Technologies


Project Team

    Atlantic Technologies